SIAM Activity Group on Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions
New books, etc.
- "Orthogonal Polynomials and Painleve Equations," (Van Assche), 2017
- "A Comprehensive Course in Analysis," (Simon), 2015
- "Asymptotic Methods for Integrals,"(Temme), 2015
- "Walter Gautschi, Selected Works with Commentaries" - 3 vols, (Brezinski,Sameh), 2014
- Analysis and Applications: Frank Olver special issues (Vol 12, nos. 4-6), (Temme, Wong), 2014
- Recordings from
Barry Simon master class, (Barry Simon), 2014
- Advances in Dynamical Systems and Applications (ADSA) Siafarikas memorial issue (Vol 8, no. 2), 2013
- "Painleve Equations" --Constructive Approximation special issue, (Deift,Its, eds), 2014
- "Walter Gautschi, Selected Works with Commentaries," (Brezinski,Sameh), 2013
- "q-Calculus in Operator Theory," (Aral, Gupta, Agarwal),
- "Approximation Theory and
Harmonic Analysis on Spheres and Balls," (Dai, Xu),2013
- "A Comprehensive Treatment of q-Calculus," (Ernst), 2012
- "Special Functions of Mathematical (Geo-)Physics,"
- New journal "Mathematics," (Sergei Suslov,Editor-in-Chief)
- "Classical and Quantum Orthogonal
Polynomials in One Variable,"
paperback edition,(Mourad Ismail),2009 (DISCOUNT UNTIL MARCH 1, 2013).
- "q-Fractional Calculus and Equations," (Annaby, Mansour),
- "Lecture Notes on 10th SERC School,"
(Mathai), 2012
- "Hadamard Expansions and Hyperasymptotic Evaluation: An
Extension of the Method of Steepest Descents," (Paris), 2011
"The Mathematics of Signal Processing," (Damelin, Miller), 2011
- "Orthogonal Polynomials,"
(Chihara), reprint of Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, New York, 1978 edition.
- "The Analysis of Fractional Differential Equations" - An application-oriented
exposition using differential operators of Caputo type,(Diethelm), 2010
"Generalized Bessel Functions of the First Kind,"(Baricz), 2010
"NIST Handbook of Mathematical Functions," (Olver, Lozier, Boisvert, Clark), 2010
"Hypergeometric Orthogonal Polynomials and Their q-Analogues",(Koekoek, Lesky, Swarttouw), 2010
SIGMA special issue "Elliptic Integrable Systems, Isomonodromy Problems,
and Hypergeometric Functions," Proceedings of 2008 Workshop at Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in Bonn,Germany,
(Noumi, Rains, Rosengren, Spiridonov), 2010
"Recent Trends in Orthogonal Polynomials and Approximation Theory" , Papers from 2008
Madrid Workshop,(Arvesú, Marcellán, Martínez-Finkelshtein), 2010
"Differential Algebra, Complex Analysis and Orthogonal Polynomials," Proceedings of 2007-2008 Bogota Seminar,
(Acosta-Humánez, Marcellán), 2010
"The H-Function,"(Mathai, Saxena, Haubold),
"Localization and Perturbation of Zeros of Entire Functions,"
(Gil'), 2009
"Skew-Orthogonal Polynomials and Random Matrix Theory,"
(Ghosh), 2009
"SASTRA Ramanujan Lectures" , Papers from December 2009 SASTRA conference,
"The Maratea Conferences on Functional Analysis and
Approximation Theory from 1989 to 2009 - an overview", 2009
"An Introduction to Basic Fourier Series"(Suslov), 2003
- "q-Series with Applications to
Combinatorics, Number Theory, and Physics," Proceedings of 2000 q-series
conference, Univ. of Illinois (Berndt,Ono), 2001
- "Ramanujan: Essays and
- "Asymptotic Approximations
of Integrals," (Wong),2001
- "Asymptotics and
Mellin-Barnes Integrals," (Paris,Kaminski),2001
- "On a Class of Incomplete Gamma
Functions with Applications,"(Chaudhry, Zubair),2001
- "The Andrews Festschrift" (Foata), 2001
- "Selected Topics in Special
Functions," (Agarwal, Manocha, Rao), 2001
- "Selected Papers of
F. W. J. Olver,"(Wong),2000
- "q-Series from a Contemporary
Perspective," Proceedings of 1998 Mount Holyoke Conference,
- Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Special
Functions 2000, Tempe, Arizona, USA
- Proceedings of Fifth International Symposium on Orthogonal Polynomials, Special Functions
and their Applications, Patras, Greece, 1999
- "Orthogonal Polynomials of Several
Variables" (Dunkl, Xu), 2001
- "Orthogonal Polynomials for
Exponential Weights" (Levin, Lubinsky), 2000
- "Stochastic Processes and
Orthogonal Polynomials" (Schoutens), 2000
- "Fourier Analysis"
(Javier Duoandikoetxea), 2001
- "Orthogonal Polynomials and Random
Matrices: A Riemann-Hilbert Approach" (Percy Deift), 2000
- "Elliptic Polynomials" (Lomont,
Brillhart), 2000
- "Fourier Series in
Orthogonal Polynomials" (Osilenker), 1999
- "Special Functions - A Unified Theory
Based on Singularities"
(Lay, Slavyanov), 2000
- Hong Kong Workshop,City
University of Hong Kong, June 21-25, 1999
- "Self-Similar Systems", Proceedings
of the International Workshop in Dubna, Russia, 1998
- Leganes IWOP '98 Proceedings
- Proceedings of the CRM Workshop
"Algebraic Methods and q-Special Functions",
Montreal, 1996.
- "Special Functions"
(Andrews, Askey and Roy), 1999
- Announcement of Review of Vilenkin &
- New edited book by Jones and Ranga
- Book on Hypergeometric Summation
- New Book on Hyperfunctions
- Book on Fractional Order Integral
Transforms of Hypergeometric Type
- Book on Ramanujan
- Review of "Computation of Special
Functions" by Zhang and Jin - Nico Temme
- Review of "Elliptic Functions. A
Constructive Approach"
by Peter L. Walker
-- Wolfram Koepf
- Review of "Introduction to
Combinatorics" by Martin J. Erickson
-- Charles Dunkl
Review of "A = B" by Petkovsek et al W. Koepf
- Rivlin Festschrift
Proceedings of the Organic Mathematics Workshop
- New book on Computation of Special
- Book on Mehler-Fock type transform
- Leganes IWOP '96 Proceedings
Reprinting of Olver's "Asymptotics and Special Functions"
Proceedings of 1995 Toronto workshop
on "Special Functions, q-Series and
Related Topics"
- Stieltjes Proceedings Volume
- Quantum Theory of Angular Momentum:
Selected Topics
- Symmetries and Integrability of Difference
- Table of Integrals, Series,
and Products, CD-ROM, Version 1.0
Mathai Festschrift
The Collected Works of Lars Onsager
- Bilinear Forms and
Zonal Polynomials
Mathematical Analysis, Wavelets, and Signal Processing --- Ismail et
Polynomials and Polynomial Inequalities --- P. Borwein and T.
Symbolic Computation in Combinatorics --- Workshop Proceedings
Nico M. Temme, Special Functions: an Introduction to the Classical
Special Functions of Mathematical Physics, Wiley, 1996
- Foata Festschrift
- Index Transforms by S. B. Yakubovich
- Orthogonality, Moment Problems and
Continued Fractions , Proceeding of the Delft Conference (1994),
dedicated to Thomas Jan Stieltjes, Jr.
L.C. Biedenharn and M.A. Lohe,
Quantum group symmetry and q-tensor algebras
- Gatteschi Festschrift
CD-ROM version of Gradshteyn & Ryzhik
Proceedings of hypergroups conference
New book on Heun's differential equations
New Proceedings "Transform Methods & Special Functions"
Gautschi Festschrift
Quadratic Forms in Random Variables
New book on mathematical software
- New Memoir on Spectral Theory and
Orthogonal Polynomials
- Continuation of the three-volume
Vilenkin-Klimyk book
- Lecture Notes on Affine Hecke
algebras and Macdonald conjectures
- New book on Orthogonal Polynomials in
Several Variables
- A Numerical Library in C
to SIAM OPSF Home Page
Revised February 2, 2018