SIAM AG on Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions


Extract from OP-SF NET

Topic #9  ------------    OP-SF NET 6.5   -----------   September 15, 1999
From: Jan Felipe van Diejen 
Subject: Proceedings "Algebraic Methods and q-Special Functions"


In May 1996, the Centre de Recherches Mathematiques at Montreal organized
the workshop "Algebraic Methods and q-Special Functions".  The idea of
this workshop was to bring together a diverse group of people working in
the areas of combinatorics, special functions, orthogonal polynomials and
representation-theoretic methods, with the purpose of getting some kind of
an overview of the current developments in the field.  Much of the
reported research progress was inspired by the seminal contributions of R.
A. Askey and colleagues on one-variable basic hypergeometric series and of
I. G. Macdonald on multivariate orthogonal polynomials related to root

Recently, the proceedings of this workshop appeared in the CRM Proceedings
and Lecture Notes Series published by the AMS: 

"Algebraic Methods and q-Special Functions",
Eds.: Jan Felipe van Diejen (Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile)
and Luc Vinet (Université de Montreal, Quebec, PQ, Canada),
CRM Proceedings and Lecture Notes 22, American Mathematical Society,
Providence, R.I., 1999.
               ISBN: 0-8218-2026-5 
               Paging: 276 pp. 
               Binding: Softcover 
               List Price: $79 
               Institutional Member Price: $63 
               Individual Member Price: $47 
               Order Code: CRMP/22 


F. Bergeron and A. M. Garsia -- Science fiction and Macdonald's
R. Chouikha -- On the expansion of elliptic functions and applications
D. V. Chudnovsky and G. V. Chudnovsky -- Generalized hypergeometric
        functions - Classification of  identities and explicit rational
W. S. Chung, E. G. Kalnins, and W. Miller, Jr. -- Tensor products of
        q-superalgebras and q-series identities. I
J. F. van Diejen and J. V. Stokman -- q-Racah polynomials for BC type
        root systems
C. F. Dunkl -- Intertwining operators of type B_N
R. Floreanini, J. LeTourneux, and L. Vinet -- Symmetries and continuous
        q-orthogonal polynomials
P. G. A. Floris -- Addition theorems for spherical polynomials on a
        family of quantum spheres
F. A. Grunbaum and L. Haine -- On a q-analogue of the string equation
        and a generalization of the classical orthogonal polynomials
M. E. H. Ismail, D. R. Masson, and S. K. Suslov -- The q-Bessel function
        on a q-quadratic grid
D. Kim and D. Stanton -- Three statistics on lattice paths
A. N. Kirillov -- Quantum Grothendieck polynomials
A. N. Kirillov and M. Noumi -- q-difference raising operators for
        Macdonald polynomials and the integrality of transition
B. A. Kupershmidt -- Great powers of q-calculus
V. Spiridonov -- q-special functions: Differential-difference equations,
        roots of unity, and all that
A. Strasburger -- On algebras of creation and annihilation operators

Further information on these proceedings can be obtained via the AMS
Bookstore WEB page:

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