Topic #4 ------------ OP-SF NET 7.5 ------------- September 15, 2000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: OP-SF NET EditorSubject: New book on Special Functions The following information is from the web site: Special Functions - A Unified Theory Based on Singularities Wolfgang Lay (Stuttgart) and Sergei Yuryevitsh Slavyanov (St. Petersburg) Oxford University Press, 320 pp.; 50 line illus; 0-19-850573-6, November 2000 The subject of this book is the theory of special functions, not considered as a list of functions exhibiting a certain range of properties, but based on the unified study of singularities of second-order ordinary differential equations in the complex domain. The number and characteristics of the singularities serve as a basis for classification of each individual special function. Links between linear special functions (as solutions of linear second-order equations), and non-linear special functions (as solutions of Painleve equations) are presented as a basic and new result. Many applications to different areas of physics are shown and discussed. The book is written from a practical point of view and will address all those scientists whose work involves applications of mathematical methods. Lecturers, graduate students and researchers will find this a useful text and reference work. CONTENTS Preface 1. Linear Second-order ODE with Polynomial Coefficients 2. The Hypergeometric Class of Equations 3. The Heun Class of Equations 4. Application to Physical Sciences 5. The Painleve Class of Equations A. Gamma-Function and Related Functions B. CTCPs for Heun Equations in General Form C. Multipole Matrix Elements D. SFTools - Database of the Special Functions