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Running PADE: A Tutorial


PADE is intended to be an intuitive graphical user interface for developing parallel applications on a virtual machine. The typical use of PADE consists of the following steps:

  1. Initiate the virtual machine using the PVM button.
  2. Construct the PADE data using the Setup button or Graph button.
  3. Distribute and compile the application using the PVMmake button.
  4. Run the application using the Apps button.
  5. Edit files, redistribute modified files, and repeat the cycle as necessary.

In this chapter we go through an example of this process using the manager/worker program in the examples subdirectory of the PADE distribution. This program is a variation of one of the examples contained in the PVM distribution. The files located in the examples subdirectory are:

The manager.c and worker.c source files need not be modified by the user. The user will need to make several copies of , possibly one for each node on the virtual machine, and modify each appropriately. The PADE data files and corresponding PVMmake files are provided only as examples and will not be needed by the user.

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