The Graph button in the PADE main windows pops up the Graph window (Figure 5.5), which is used to enter PADE data by graphical means. Alternatively, these data can be entered textually by using the Setup button (Section 5.5).
Figure 5.5. The Graph window
The main part of the window contains a graphical representation of the PADE data. Each host is represented by a circle with the hostname above it. The files to be transfered to each host are represented by rectangles attached to the circles and labeled with the name of the file on the development host.
Clicking on a circle brings up the host name and commands information in the top of the Graph window. Clicking on a rectangle brings up the information about a file. Double-clicking on a rectangle brings up the Edit File window, equivalent to the Edit File button in the PADE Files window (Section 5.6).
File designations can be moved from one host to another by dragging the rectangle with the left mouse button, and dropping it on the circle of the other host. The functionality of copying a file from one host to another is accomplished by first copying the file (see below) and then moving it to the other host.
For most operations in the menus under the Graph window buttons, you select the action from the menu, and then click on the circle or rectangle to which the action is to be applied.
The buttons in the Graph window are: