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Related Sites

We have provided links to these sites because they have information that may be of interest to our users. NIST does not necessarily endorse the views expressed or the facts presented on this site. Further, NIST does not endorse any commercial products that may be advertised or available on this site.

Related distributed cluster projects

  • The NIST http://cmr.ncsl.nist.gov/scalable/scalable.html Scalable Computing Testbed project focuses on larger ATM-based networks.
  • The http://www.extreme-linux.org Extreme Linux project is trying to improve and evolve Linux for high-performance computing.
  • Beowulf systems use a channel-bonding technology to utilize multiple ethernet cards per node to increase network bandwidth.
  • The http://lhpca.univ-lyon1.fr High Speed Networks and Parallel Applications Project has developed a communication interface (BIP) for Myrinet PC networks.
  • Berkeley NOW project has been exploring larger (N>64) Unix clusters with high-speed networks.
  • The Illinois http://www-csag.cs.uiuc.edu/projects/clusters.html HPVM project provides a low-latency messages, and an MPI port (MPI-FM) of fast messages.
  • The http://rocs-PC.ca.sandia.gov/DAISy/DAISy.html DAISy project at Sandia also uses a similar fast-ethernet/Myrinet network configuration.
  • Myricom keeps a list of http://www.myri.com/myrinet/customer_projects projects worldwide that use Myrinet networking technology.

Meetings and workshops

  • http://www.scl.ameslab.gov/workshops Pentium Pro Cluster Workshop
  • Cluster Computing Conference
  • http://www.acl.lanl.gov/~beckman/extremelinux Extreme Linux Society meeting

Linux related links

Message passing and related software