Related distributed cluster projects
- The NIST http://cmr.ncsl.nist.gov/scalable/scalable.html
Scalable Computing Testbed project focuses on larger ATM-based
- The http://www.extreme-linux.org Extreme Linux project
is trying to improve and evolve Linux for high-performance computing.
Beowulf systems use a channel-bonding technology to utilize
multiple ethernet cards per node to increase network bandwidth.
- The http://lhpca.univ-lyon1.fr High Speed Networks
and Parallel Applications Project has developed a communication
interface (BIP) for Myrinet PC networks.
- Berkeley NOW project
has been exploring larger (N>64) Unix clusters with high-speed
- The Illinois
HPVM project provides a low-latency messages, and an MPI port
(MPI-FM) of fast messages.
- The http://rocs-PC.ca.sandia.gov/DAISy/DAISy.html DAISy
project at Sandia also uses a similar
fast-ethernet/Myrinet network configuration.
- Myricom keeps a list of
http://www.myri.com/myrinet/customer_projects projects
worldwide that use Myrinet networking technology.
Meetings and workshops
- http://www.scl.ameslab.gov/workshops Pentium Pro
Cluster Workshop
Cluster Computing Conference
- http://www.acl.lanl.gov/~beckman/extremelinux
Extreme Linux Society meeting
Linux related links
Message passing and related software