IFIP Working Group 2.5 Regional Workshop

The Changing Face of Mathematical Software

June 3-4, 2004

Washington, DC, USA


The field of mathematical software has undergone a major transformation in the past 15 years.  Highly flexible commercial software systems have emerged that have enabled fairly complex mathematical computations to be done routinely.  The user community is much more diverse than ever before, while the general understanding and appreciation of the difficulty of numerical computing has diminished. Researchers solving problems beyond the capabilities of the mass-market systems now demand sophisticated user interfaces, graphics, and related tools to create specialized research-oriented problem solving environments of their own.  Such environments are constructed using a wide variety of computing languages.  Math software interfaces must be increasingly flexible for reuse in such environments.  At the high end of the computing spectrum, extremely complex multi-level computing architectures remain very challenging to exploit.  For such systems, the availability of stable and robust operating systems and libraries continues to be a limiting issue. 

This workshop we will consider current mathematical software development efforts and their use in applications to provide a picture of how mathematical software developers are coping with these sometimes-competing forces.


Location:        Marvin Center, Room 307

George Washington University

800 21st St. NW

Washington, DC

Sponsors:        International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Working Group 2.5 (Numerical Software); National Institute of Standards and Technology; George Washington University

Organizers:     Ron Boisvert (boisvert@nist.gov) and Abdou Youssef (ayoussef@gwu.edu)





Thursday, June 3, 2004


08:15               Continental Breakfast


09:00               Opening Remarks

                        Ronald Boisvert, Chair, IFIP WG 2.5


09:15               Numerical Algorithms for Posterity

                        Brian Ford (NAG Ltd.)


10:00               MATRAN - A Fortran 95 Wrapper for Matrix Operations

                        Pete Stewart (University of Maryland)


10:45               Break


11:00               Performance Evaluation of Java for Numerical Computing

                        Roldan Pozo (NIST)


11:45               The ACTS Collection: Functionality and Lessons Learned

                        Tony Drummond (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)


12:30               Lunch (attendees on own)


14:00               Standard Problems and Public Code for Micromagnetics

                        Michael Donahue (NIST)


14:45               OOF: Object-Oriented Modeling of Material Microstructure

                        Stephen Langer (NIST)


15:30               Break (with refreshments)


16:00               Software for Solving Elliptic PDEs with Parallel Adaptive Multi-level


                        William Mitchell (NIST)


16:45               Network/Grid Computing: Modeling, Algorithm, and Software

                        Mo Mu (Hong Kong University of Science & Technology)


17:30               Adjourn for day



Friday, June 4, 2004


08:15               Continental Breakfast


09:00               Software for Differential Equations: Accurate Approximate Solutions are

Often Not Enough

                        Wayne Enright (University of Toronto)


09:45               Solving Singularly Perturbed ODE Boundary Value Problems using

Symbolic/Numeric Techniques

                        Ian Gladwell (Southern Methodist University)


10:30               Break


11:00               Representing Mathematical Knowledge in the Digital Library of

Mathematical Functions

                        Bruce Miller (NIST)


11:45               Search in Mathematical Databases

                        Abdou Youssef (George Washington University)


12:30               Closing Remarks/Discussion


12:45               Workshop adjourns