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Vector Field File Difference: avfdiff

The avfdiff program computes differences between vector field files in any of the recognized formats (OVF, VIO). The input data must lie on rectangular meshes with identical dimensions.

The avfdiff launch command is:

tclsh oommf.tcl avf2ovf [standard options] file-0 file-1 [... file-n]
Name of input file to subtract from other files. Must be either an OVF 1.0 file in the rectangular mesh subformat, or an VIO file. Required.
Name of first input file from which file-0 is to be subtracted. Must also be either an OVF 1.0 file in the rectangular mesh subformat, or an VIO file, and must have the same dimensions as file-0. Required.
Optional additional files from which file-0 is to be subtracted, with the same requirements as file-1.

For each input file file-1 through file-n, a separate output file is generated, in the OVF 1.0 format. Each output file has a name based on the name of corresponding input file, with a -diff suffix. If a file with the same name already exists, it will be overwritten.

For output file format details, see the OVF file description.

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OOMMF Documentation Team
January 22, 2001