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Contents of the PADE Package


The PADE package is supplied as a tar file, nist_pade.1.4.x.tar.gz, that has been compressed with the GNU gzip utility. The package can be obtained by following the instructions on the PADE Web page
For those without access to a Web browser, the PADE package can be obtained by anonymous ftp at
in the file nist_pade.1.4.x.tar.gz . This file can be unpacked in any directory in which the user has write privileges with the command

gunzip < nist_pade.1.4.x.tar.gz | tar -xvf -
Note that this command requires the presence of the GNU gzip utility which can be obtained by anonymous ftp to
Once unpacked, the user can check that all files are present by comparing a listing of the files with the MANIFEST file in the top PADE directory.

PADE unpacks into a directory structure consisting of the top directory (entitled nist_pade ) and four subdirectories: pade , caml_utils , pade_doc , and examples .

The top nist_pade directory contains the following four (ASCII) files.

The rest of the PADE package has four principal components:
  1. PADE Interface -- A set of Tcl/Tk scripts that together implement the graphical user environment of PADE. These scripts are contained in the pade subdirectory.

  2. CAML Utilities -- There are four utilities in the caml_utils


  3. The PADE User's Manual and The PADE Installation Guide -- These documents are provided in both PostScript and ASCII formats as well as an HTML version that is accessible from the PADE Help menu. These documents are located in the pade_doc subdirectory.

  4. PADE Examples -- A set of sample files to aid the user in following the manager/worker example described in the PADE User's Guide. Two forms of a PADE setup script ( pade_setenv for csh and tcsh, and pade_export for sh, ksh and bash) to help the user set environment variables and the executables path are also included. These files are found in the examples subdirectory.

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