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PADE Installation


This section describes the installation of PADE on the user's virtual machine. After the PADE distribution has been unpacked as described in Chapter 2, there are three steps to install the PADE package:

  1. Installation of the PADE interface on the development host -- The first line in the main PADE Tcl script (the file pade in the directory nist_pade/pade ) must be edited so that it points to the Tk windowing shell program wish . The first line of this script must have the form:
    #!<directory-path-to-wish>/wish -f
    where the angle-brackets expression above should be replaced by the absolute pathname of the directory that contains the wish program.

  2. Installation of the NIST CAML Utilities on the development host -- Installation of the CAML Utilities requires four steps.
    1. Edit the file padeinituser . Set the variable CAML_UTILS_HOME in this file to the absolute pathname of the top of where the CAML Utilities will be installed (for example, $PADE_ROOT/caml_utils ).

    2. Edit the file Makefile.aimk . Set the environment variables PVM_ROOT, PVM_ARCH, ARCHLIB and CAMLDIR as directed in that file.

    3. Type the following command at the Unix prompt.
      This command will create architecture-dependent executables in an ARCH subdirectory of the caml_utils directory, where ARCH is the host architecture name, for example, SUN4.

    4. Type the following command at the Unix prompt.
      $PVM_ROOT/bin/$PVM_ARCH/aimk install
      This command will install the NIST CAML Utilities in the directory specified by CAMLDIR.

  3. Installation of the NIST CAML Utilities on other hosts -- The CAML Utilities must also be executable from all nodes of the virtual machine. This means it must be installed on each architecture/file-system pair of the virtual machine. First, transfer the caml_utils directory to every file system. Note that it does not have to be under the nist_pade directory on non-development hosts. In many cases, transfer can be accomplished by the command
    rcp -r caml_utils remote-host-name:/path-to-caml_utils-directory
    If rcp is not available, the caml_utils directory can be packed with
    tar -cvf caml_utils.tar caml_utils
    transfered by ftp , and unpacked with
    tar -xvf caml_utils.tar
    Once transfered, compile the CAML Utilities as described above.

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