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PADE is designed to execute on workstations running the Unix
operating system with the X Window System.
PADE operates on only one node of the virtual machine, called the
development host, therefore the requirements of this workstation
are greater than those of the other nodes of the virtual machine.
The development host uses the following software:
- PADE (required). This is included in the PADE package.
- CAML Utilities (required). These are included in the PADE package.
- PVM (required, version 3.0 or later). The Parallel Virtual Machine
message-passing library
is a software system that enables a collection of heterogeneous
computers to be used as a coherent and flexible concurrent computational
software can be obtained by anonymous ftp to
- Tcl/Tk (required, version 8.0 of Tcl/Tk.
PADE will not run with earlier versions.)
Tool Command Language (Tcl)
is an embeddable scripting
language written by John Ousterhout of the University of California
at Berkeley. ToolKit (Tk)
is an X11 toolkit that provides the Motif
look and feel and is implemented in Tcl
. Both of these programs are
available by anonymous ftp at the following site.
- XPVM (Optional). This is a graphical console and monitor for PVM.
provides a graphical interface to the PVM console commands and
information, along with several animated views to monitor the execution
of PVM programs. These views provide information about the interactions
among tasks in a parallel PVM program, to assist in debugging and
performance tuning. XPVM
is available by anonymous ftp from the
- Web browser (Optional). PADE's on-line help and local
manual browsing capabilities require a program that can interpret
hypertext markup language (HTML) and access documents on the
The machines in the virtual machine that are not used as a development
host only require the following software packages:

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