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- D.M. Anderson, M.G. Worster and S.H. Davis,
The Case for a Dynamic Contact Angle in Containerless Solidification,
J. Crystal Growth, to appear (1996).
- M.A. Anuta, D.W. Lozier, N. Schabanel and P.R. Turner, Basic Linear
Algebra Operations in SLI Arithmetic, in Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, Proceedings of Euro-Par'96, to appear.
- M.A. Anuta, D.W. Lozier and P.R. Turner, Level-Index Arithmetic
on a Massively Parallel Computer, Zeitschrift für
Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, to appear.
- M.A. Anuta, D.W. Lozier and P.R. Turner, The MasPar MP-1 As a
Computer Arithmetic Laboratory, Zeitschrift für
Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, to appear.
- I.M. Beichl and F. Sullivan, Heaps of data,
Computational Science and Engineering,
to appear.
- R.F. Berg, M.J. Lyell, G.B. McFadden, and R.G. Rehm,
Internal waves in xenon near the critical point,
Physics of Fluids, in press.
- P.T. Boggs, P.D. Domich, J.E. Rogers, An Interior-Point Method
for General Large Scale Quadratic Programming Problems, Annals
of Operations Research special volume on Interior Point Methods
for Mathematical Programming, to appear.
- R.F. Boisvert, R. Pozo, K. Remington, R. Barrett and J. Dongarra,
The Matrix Market: a Web Repository for Test Matrix Data,
Proceedings of the IFIP Working Conference on the Quality
of Numerical Software, to appear.
- R.F. Boisvert, R. Pozo and K. Remington,
The Matrix Market Exchange Format, Proceedings of the Second SIAM
Symposium on Sparse Matrices, submitted.
- R.J. Braun, J.W. Cahn, G.B. McFadden, and
A.A. Wheeler, Anisotropy of interfaces
in an ordered alloy: a multiple-order parameter model,
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal
Society of London, Series A, submitted.
- R.J. Braun, J.W. Cahn, G.B. McFadden, and A.A. Wheeler,
Anisotropic interfaces
and ordering in fcc alloys: a multiple-order-parameter continuum
theory, Modern Methods for Modeling Microstructure
Evolution in Materials, ed. Long-Qing Chen, TMS/SIAM, 1996,
to appear.
- T. J. Burns, R. W. Davis, and E. F. Moore, Dynamical Systems Approach to
Particle Transport Modeling in Dilute Gas-Particle Flows with Application
to a Chemical Vapor Deposition Reactor, Aerosol Science and Technology,
to appear.
- A.S. Carasso, Error Bounds in Non-Smooth Image Deblurring,
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, to appear.
- S.R. Coriell, B.T. Murray, A.A. Chernov and G.B. McFadden, Step Bunching
on a Vicinal Face Growing in a Flowing Solution,
Journal of Crystal Growth to appear.
- W.T. Estler, S.D. Phillips, B. Borchardt, T. Hopp, C. Witzgall,
M. Levenson, K. Eberhardt, and M. McClain, Error Compensation for
Touch Trigger Probes, Journal of Precision Engineering, to
- M. Hamstad, J. Gary, and A. O'Gallagher, Far-field Acoustic
Emission Waves by Three-Dimensional Finite Element Modeling of
Pencil Lead Breaks oln the Thick Plate, Journal of
Acoustic Emission, submitted.
- J.A. Horst and I. Beichl, Efficient piecewise linear approximation
of space curves using chord and arc length,
Proceedings of Machine Vision 96, submitted.
- R.B. Hoyle, G.B. McFadden, and S.H. Davis,
Pattern selection with anisotropy
during directional solidification,
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A,
in press.
- D. Josell, A. Cezairliyan, D. van Heerden, and B.T. Murray,
An Integral Solution for Thermal Diffusion in Periodic Multilayer
Materials: Application to Iron/Copper Films, Int. J.
Thermophysics, submitted.
- D.W. Lozier, Book Review: Abstract Machine Models for Highly
Parallel Computers (J.R. Davy and P.M. Dew), Mathematics of
Computation, to appear.
- D.W. Lozier, Book Review: An Introduction to Scientific, Symbolic,
and Graphical Computation (E. Fiume), Mathematics of
Computation, to appear.
- D.W. Lozier and P.R. Turner, Error-Bounding in Level-Index
Computer Arithmetic, in Numerical Methods and Error Bounds,
G. Alefeld and J. Herzberger, eds., Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, to appear.
- K.W. Moon, W.J. Boettinger, M.E. Williams, D. Josell, B.T. Murray,
W. C. Carter, and C. A. Handwerker, Dynamics Aspects of Wetting Balance
Tests, submitted J. Electronic Packaging, to appear.
- E. Orlandini, A. Stella, T. Einstein, M.C. Tesi, I. Beichl and
F. Sullivan, Bending rigidity driven
transitions and crumpling point scaling
of lattice vesicles, Physical Review E, to appear.
- R. Pozo, J. Dongarra, A. Lumsdaine, K. Remington,
IML++ Iterative Methods Library Reference
, in review.
- R. Pozo, K. Remington, A. Lumsdaine,
SparseLib++ Sparse Matrix Class Library Reference
, in review.
- R. Pozo, MV++ Matrix/Vector Class Reference
, in review.
- J.R. Rice and R.F. Boisvert, From Scientific Software Libraries to
Problem-Solving Environments, IEEE Computational Science and
Engineering, to appear.
- B.W. Rust and F.J. Crosby, Global Temperatures, Gaia, and Fossil
Fuel Production, Global Change Biology, to be submitted.
- R.F. Sekerka, S.R. Coriell, and G.B. McFadden,
The effect of container size on dendritic
growth in microgravity,
Journal of Crystal Growth, submitted.
- F. Sullivan and I.M. Beichl
Applying Computational Geometry: Robustness vs. Efficiency,
NIST SP 837, Proceedings of a Symposium for NIST's 90th
- D.L. VanderHart and G.B. McFadden,
Some perspectives on the interpretation
of NMR proton spin diffusion data in terms of polymer morphologies,
Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, submitted.
- A.A. Wheeler, N.A. Ahmad, W.J. Boettinger,
R.J. Braun, G.B. McFadden, and B.T. Murray,
Recent developments in phase-field models of solidification,
Advances in Space Research, to appear.
- A.A. Wheeler and G.B. McFadden, A
-vector formulation of anisotropic
phase-field models: 3-D asymptotics,
European Journal of Applied Mathematics, in press.
- A.A. Wheeler and G.B. McFadden,
On the
-vector and a notion of stress in diffuse
interface theories, Proceedings of the Royal
Society of London, Series A, submitted.
- C.L. Wilson, J.L. Blue, and O. Omidvar, The Effect of Training
Dynamics on Neural Network Performance, Neural
Networks, submitted.
- C.L. Wilson, J.L. Blue, and O. Omidvar, Neurodynamics of Learning and
its Effect on Neural Network Performance, Journal of Electronic
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