Matrix Market

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This page provides background information on the Matrix Market project, including links to relevant papers and a list of participants and sponsors.
Examples of (left to right) finite element grid, matrix cityplot, and spectral portrait


The Matrix Market provides convenient access to a repository of test data for use in comparative studies of algorithms for numerical linear algebra. Matrices as well as matrix generation software and services, from linear systems, least squares, and eigenvalue computations in a wide variety of scientific and engineering disciplines are provided. Tools for browsing through the collection or for searching for matrices with special properties are included.

Each matrix (and matrix set) has its own "home page" which provides details of matrix properties, visualization of matrix structure, and permits downloading of the matrix in one of several text file formats. Similarly, each matrix generator has a home page describing its properties. Generators are either static software which you can download and include in your applications, Java applets which will generate matrices in your Web browser, or form-based requests to generate matrices at the Matrix Market and return them to your browser.

Currently, 482 individual matrices and 25 matrix generators are available. Our database now includes the entire Harwell-Boeing Sparse Matrix Collection (Release I), Yousef Saad's SPARSKIT collection, and the Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Problem (NEP) collection of Bai, Day, Demmel and Dongarra.

The Matrix Market is a component of the NIST project on Tools for Evaluation of Mathematical and Statistical Software which has focus areas in linear algebra, special functions and statistics.

Additional information can be found in the following.


Technical Presentations

This is Version 3 of the Matrix Market. It will be undergoing continuous development. Send comments or questions to .

Credits and Acknowledgements

The current Matrix Market development team is composed of R. Boisvert, R. Pozo, K. Remington, B. Miller, and R. Lipman of NIST.

The Matrix Market was originally designed and developed by R. Boisvert, R. Pozo, K. Remington, R. Barrett, and J. J. Dongarra. It first went online in February 1996.

This service is provided courtesy of the Mathematical and Computational Science Division of the National Institute of Standards and Technology's Information Technology Laboratory. Additional support has been provided by

We are indebted to Iain Duff and colleagues at CERFACS, the Rutherford Appleton Laboratories, and John Lewis and Roger Grimes of Boeing Computer Services for making the Harwell-Boeing Sparse Matrix Collection (Release I) and the text of its Users' Guide available to us to seed this service and its database. We are also grateful to Yousef Saad, Tim Davis, Zhaojun Bai, David Day, James Demmel, Jack Dongarra, Nick Higham, Pete Stewart, Gordon Everstine and many others who have contributed matrices and related data to the collections we index.

The spectral portraits included in the Matrix Market were computed and rendered by Alan McCoy, Vincent Toumazou and Valerie Fraysse of CERFACS.

Disclaimer: Certain commercial products are cited within these Web pages in order to document the Matrix Market and its repository contents. Mention of such products does not imply recommendation or endorsement by NIST, nor does it imply that these products are the best suited to the purpose.

The Matrix Market is a service of the Mathematical and Computational Sciences Division / Information Technology Laboratory / National Institute of Standards and Technology

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Last change in this page : 7 August 2000. [ ].