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FS 183 4: Chemical kinetics problems
PSMOG atmospheric polution study -- 3rd output time step

from set FACSIMILE, from the Harwell-Boeing Collection

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Straight chemical kinetics problem from atmospheric pollution studies. This is an example at the large end of the range of spatially homogeneous problems from straight chemical kinetics calculations.

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Spectral Portrait 3D Interactive City Plot
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[ VRML Version 2, gzipped ] 129117 bytes

Matrix Statistics

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Size Type
183 x 183, 1069 entries real unsymmetric
totaldiagonalbelow diagonalabove diagonalA-A'
1069 183 447 439 1402
Column Data Row Data
Average nonzeros per column : 5.8
Standard deviation : 12

longest1 105
shortest52 1

Average nonzeros per row : 5.8
Standard deviation : 9.1

longest2 72
shortest5 2

Bandwidths Profile Storage
lower182 upper152
average |i-j|62
lower bandwidth0 181 78 56
upper bandwidth0 151 61 52

Nonsymmetric skyline storage 25235

Heaviest diagonals
offset from main0 -1 1 -94 -83 -95 -93 -8 11 121
nonzeros183 27 14 12 9 8 7 6 6 6
accumulated percent17.1219.6420.9522.0822.9223.6724.3224.8825.4426.01

Top 10 out of 304 nonvoid diagonals.
Frobenius norm1.1e+09 condition number (est.)1.9e+11
2-norm (est.)1.1e+09 diagonal dominanceno

Set Information

Source: Alan Curtis, Computer Science and Systems Division, AERE Harwell.
Discipline:Chemical kinetics
Accession:August 1983

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