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DWT 992: Everstine's collection

from set DWT, from the Harwell-Boeing Collection

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The finite element model that generated this matrix contains 992 nodes and 450 solid elements. The model is shown below. Plate and solid elements are outlined in black.

Image of model for dwt 992
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Structure Plot
structure plot

Matrix Statistics

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Size Type
992 x 992, 16744 entries pattern symmetric indefinite
totaldiagonalbelow diagonalabove diagonalA-A'
16744 992 7876 7876 0
Column Data Row Data
Average nonzeros per column : 17
Standard deviation : 2.4

longest18 18
shortest1 8

Average nonzeros per row : 17
Standard deviation : 2.4

longest18 18
shortest1 8

Bandwidths Profile Storage
lower514 upper514
average |i-j|2.5e+02
lower bandwidth1 514 2.7e+02 2.5e+02
upper bandwidth1 514 2.7e+02 2.5e+02

Symmetric skyline storage requirement:263298

Heaviest diagonals
offset from main0 -16 16 -1 1 -17 -15 15 17 -496
nonzeros992 960 960 930 930 900 900 900 900 496
accumulated percent 5.9211.6617.3922.9528.5033.8739.2544.6250.0052.96

Top 10 out of 27 nonvoid diagonals.
Pattern matrix. No conditioning information.

Set Information

Source: Gordon Everstine, David W. Taylor Naval Ship Research and Development Center, Bethesda, MD, USA.
Discipline:Structural engineering
Accession:Summer 1980

The Matrix Market is a service of the Mathematical and Computational Sciences Division / Information Technology Laboratory / National Institute of Standards and Technology.

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