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DWT: Everstine's collection

from the Harwell-Boeing Collection

Source: Gordon Everstine, David W. Taylor Naval Ship Research and Development Center, Bethesda, MD, USA.
Discipline: Structural engineering
Accession: Summer 1980

This collection consists of thirty matrix patterns collected by Gordon Everstine of the David W. Taylor Naval Ship Research and Development Center, Bethesda, MD, USA. These patterns were collected from various US military and NASA users of NASA's structural engineering package NASTRAN for use as a benchmark collection for variable bandwidth reordering heuristics. They have been widely used in benchmarks; they are also of interest because 2- and 3-D plots are given in the reference below (Everstine 1979) for all thirty patterns. Visualizations (including dynamic VRML models) for 26 of these are included in the Matrix Market.

Several of the references provide statistics on several variable-band and wavefront heuristics. Another gives the performance of various minimum degree orderings on the largest of these problems.

Matrices in this set:

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