The block module defines the following ‘physical’ block elements.
(p | equation | equationgroup | quote | block | listing | itemize | enumerate | description | pagination)
These are inline forms of logical lists (they are included in Misc since that has been the general strategy)
Additional Metadata that can be present in equations.
A constraint upon an equation.
= boolean
An Equation. The model is just Inline which includes Math, the main expected ingredient. However, other things can end up in display math, too, so we use Inline. Note that tabular is here only because it’s a common, if misguided, idiom; the processor will lift such elements out of math, when possible
(tags | Math | MathFork | text | Misc.class | Meta.class | EquationMeta.class)*
A group of equations, perhaps aligned (Though this is nowhere recorded).
the spacing between rows (equations, intertext,…)
(tags | equationgroup | equation | p | Meta.class | EquationMeta.class)*
((Math | text), MathBranch*)
A container for an alternatively formatted math representation.
= text
= text
The kind of quotation; could be something like verse, or translation
(tags?, (text | Inline.class | Misc.class | Meta.class | equation | equationgroup)*)
An item within a list (itemize,enumerate or description).
the vertical spacing between items
(tags?, Para.model)
An inline form of itemized list.
An inline form of enumerated list.
An inline form of description list. The inline-items within are expected to have a tags which represents the term being described in each inline-item.
An item within an inline list (inline-itemize,inline-enumerate or inline-description).
(tags?, (Inline.class | Misc.class | Meta.class)*)
A container for one or more tags. At most one will have no role, which would be the default display. Other tag will have the role attribute for use in special forms of referencing.
A tag within an item indicating the term or bullet for a given item.
= text
specifies the purpose this tag is used for: no value is default display
= text
specifies an open delimiters used to display the tag.
= text
specifies an close delimiters used to display the tag.
A page break or related pagination information.
= text
what kind of pagination