OOMMF Roadmap
Overview of the OOMMF releases
- OOMMF 1.0 This is the first
released version of OOMMF. The initial alpha release was made on
15-Jan-1998, the first beta on 20-Oct-1998, and the final beta
(1.0b3) on 24-Feb-2000. OOMMF 1.0 consists of the following major
- Bootstrap application oommf.tcl
- Provides a uniform and simplified interface for running
applications from the command line. If no command line arguments
are specified, oommf.tcl will bring up mmLaunch by default.
- mmLaunch
- A graphical user interface (GUI) for launching, monitoring, and
controlling other OOMMF applications.
- mmProbEd
- A windowing interface for creating and editing micromagnetic
problem descriptions in the Micromagnetic Input Format (MIF).
- mmSolve2D
- A micromagnetic computation engine for solving problems defined
on a two-dimensional mesh of square cells representing
three-dimensional spins. Reads MIF files for input, and generates
OOMMF Data Table (ODT) and OOMMf Vector Field (OVF) output data.
- mmDataTable
- Tabular data display widget, accepting ODT style input.
- mmGraph
- Generates and displays xy-plots from ODT style input.
- mmDisp
- Displays two-dimensional spatial distributions of
three-dimensional vectors (i.e., vector fields). Accepts OVF input.
- mmArchive
- Provides automated vector field and data table storage.
- OOMMF Batch System (OBS)
- Tcl script level control for managing multiple micromagnetic
problem runs.
- Pimake (Platform Independent Make)
- Tcl-only application for building OOMMF from source.
- mmHelp
- A Tcl/Tk-only documentation browser. OOMMF documentation is in
HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) format, and may alternatively be
read using any web browser.
- User's Guide
- Documentation in both PostScript and HTML format.
- OOMMF 1.1 Initial alpha release
made on 28-Apr-1999, beta releases on 4-Apr-2000, 2-Oct-2001, and
15-Jan-2004. Notable enhancements over OOMMF 1.0 include:
- Bootstrap application oommf.tcl
- Moved to OOMMF root directory.
Changes in command line arguments for improved uniformity.
- mmSolve
- New ConstMag "average H" demag kernel.
Time stepping control.
Changed Zeeman energy zero-offset.
Creates log files and supports -restart command line option.
Raises error if cell size does not divide part dimensions.
- mmGraph
- Supports two y-axes.
- mmDisp
- Data value scaling.
Divergence and color-wheel displays.
- mmProbEd
- Improved default material parameter values.
- Command line utilities
- Command line interfaces for repetitive tasks. These include
- avf2ppm: Creates bitmaps from vector fields.
- any2ppm: Bitmap file format conversion.
- avf2ovf: Vector field file format conversion.
- mag2hfield: Calculates component H fields from
problem specification (.mif) and magnetization file (.omf).
- odtcols: Extracts column subsets from ODT data table files.
- User's Guide
- Available in PDF format as well as PostScript and HTML.
- Support for Mac OS X
- OOMMF 1.2 Initial alpha release
made on 18-Nov-2000. First beta release 30-Sep-2016. Notable enhancements over OOMMF 1.1 include:
- OOMMF eXtensible Solver (OXS)
- 3D mesh.
Arbitrary number of energy terms.
Pointwise variation of material constants.
New input file format (MIF 2.0).
Designed to be extended at the C++ class level.
- Command line utilities
- avf2odt: Making Data Tables from Vector Fields
- avf2ps: Making PostScript from Vector Fields
- avfdiff: Vector Field File Difference
- crc32: Cyclic Redundancy Check
- killoommf: Killing OOMMF Processes
- lastjob: Last Oxsii/Boxsi run
- launchhost: Launching the OOMMF host server
- mifconvert: Converts MIF 1.1 to MIF 2.1
- nickname: Process Nicknames
- odtcalc: ODT Derived Quantity Calculator
- odtcat: ODT Table Concatenation
- oxspkg: Oxs package management
- oxsregression: Oxs regression tests
- pidinfo: OOMMF and Process ID Information
- Other components
- Several extensions from third parties
- Regression test suite
- OOMMF 2.0 Initial alpha release
made on 29-Sep-2017. First beta release 30-Sep-2022. Requires C++11
and Tcl/Tk 8.5 or later. Notable enhancements over OOMMF 1.2 include:
- New items
- mmLaunch 3: Streamlined appearance; more efficient
- xp: Package for extended precision floating point
- demagtensor: Compute demag tensors at requested precisions
- OOMMF Programming Manual
- HTML documentation generated by LaTeXML
- New features
- Modules to support periodic boundary conditions
- Bootstrap program oommf.tcl option +v for verbose results
- MIF command: Oxs_DateSort
- mmGraph: log scale axes; new controls
- General Improvements
- Ongoing support for evolving platforms
- Improved native thread support
- Improved support for multiple build toolchains
- Improved exploitation of numeric hardware capabilities
- Improved interactions with filesystems
- Improved use of graphics options like dark mode
- General improved robust operations
- OOMMF 2.1 Initial alpha release
made on 27-Sep-2023. Requires C++11 and Tcl/Tk 8.5 or later.
Notable enhancements over OOMMF 2.1 include:
- New items
- computefield: Utility to compute (stray) fields from magnetization state.
- logreview: Utility to assist analysis of oxs solver log files
- oommf-mel: Contribute module for magnetoelastic coupling
- New features
- Support for time-varying magnetization magnitude
- MIF control output filenames via script
- General Improvements
- Ongoing support for evolving platforms
- Code evolution to support clang 14 compiler
- Overall improved robustness against odd input and environments
- More PPM file formats
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Date created: January 15, 2004 | Last updated: September 29, 2023
Contact: Webmaster