7.3 Standard Oxs_Ext Child Classes

7.3.7 MIF Support Classes


 A convenience object that holds label + value pairs. Oxs_LabelValue objects may be referenced via the standard attributes field in other Specify blocks, as in this example:

Specify Oxs_LabelValue:probdata {
  alpha 0.5
  start_dm 0.01

Specify Oxs_EulerEvolve {
  attributes :probdata

The Specify block string for Oxs_LabelValue objects is an arbitrary Tcl list with an even number of elements. The first element in each pair is interpreted as a label, the second as the value. The attribute option causes this list to be dropped verbatim into the surrounding object. This technique is most useful if the label + value pairs in the Oxs_LabelValue object are used in multiple Specify blocks, either inside the same MIF file, or across several MIF files into which the Oxs_LabelValue block is imported using the ReadFile MIF extension command.

Examples: The MIF files sample-rotate.mif and sample-reflect.mif use the Oxs_LabelValue object stored in the sample-attributes.tcl file.

Refer to Sec. 17.3 for details on the base MIF 2 format specification.