The main contributors to this document are Michael J. Donahue and Donald G. Porter, both of ITL/NIST. The Quick Start section is based on notes from Dianne P. O'Leary.
The OOMMF code is being developed mainly by Michael Donahue and Donald Porter. Robert D. McMichael made contributions to the early development of the 2D micromagnetic solver. Jason Eicke wrote the first version of the problem editor, and worked on the self-magnetostatic module of the 2D micromagnetic solver.
Numerous users have contributed to the development of OOMMF by submitting bug reports, small pieces of code, or suggestions for improvements. Many thanks to all these people, including Gavin Abo, Atif Aziz, Loris Bennett, Richard Boardman, Greg Brown, Dieter Buntinx, NgocNga Dao, Hans Fangohr, Colm Faulkner, Xuanyao Fong, Marek Frankowski, Olivier Gérardin, Ping He, Michael Ho, Mansoor B. A. Jalil, Jörg Jorzick, Pierre-Olivier Jubert, Pavel Kabos, Michael Kleiber, Kristof Lebecki, Oliver Lemcke, H. T. Leung, David Lewis, Sang Ho Lim, Yi Liu, Van Luu, Andy P. Manners, Damien McGrouther, Johan Moulin, Wong Lai Mun, Edward Myers, Andrew Newell, Valentine Novosad, Andrew Perrella, Angeline Phoa, Anil Prabhakar, Robert Ravlic, Stanislas Rohart, Stephen E. Russek, Renat Sabirianov, Zhupei Shi, Xiaobo Tan, Alexei Temiryazev, Alexander Thieme, Stephen Thompson, Vassilios Tsiantos, Antoine Vanhaverbeke, Pieter Visscher, Ruifang Wang, Scott L. Whittenburg, Kong Xiangyang, Ming Yan, Tan Swee Yong, Chun-Yeol You, Chengtao Yu, Steven A. Zielke, Juergen Zimmermann, and Pei Zou.
If you have bug reports, contributed code, feature requests, or other comments for the OOMMF developers, please send them in an e-mail message to <>.
Acknowledgement is appreciated if the software is used. We recommend citing the following NIST technical report:
M. J. Donahue and D. G. Porterand optionally include the URL of the OOMMF home page, To help us keep our bibliography page current, please direct publication information to <>.
OOMMF User's Guide, Version 1.0
Interagency Report NISTIR 6376
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD (Sept 1999).
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