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Acronyms Used in This Report

ACM       Association for Computing Machinery
ACMD      Applied and Computational Mathematics Division
AMS       American Mathematical Society
ARPA      Advanced Research Projects Agency (DOD)
ASME      American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ATL       Advanced Technology Laboratory (NIST)
ATP       Advanced Technology Program (NIST)
BCC       body-centered cubic
BFRL      Building and Fire Research Laboratory
BLAS      Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines
CAML      Computing and Applied Mathematics Laboratory (NIST)
CGI       Common Gateway Interface
CMM       coordinate measuring machine
CIFP      Capital Improvement Facility Project (NIST)
CRADA     Cooperative Research and Development Agreement
CSTL      Chemical Science and Technology Laboratory (NIST)
DICE      Defense Initiative on Concurrent Engineering
DOC       Department of Commerce
DOD       Department of Defense
FBI       Federal Bureau of Investigation
FCC       face-centered cubic
FFT       fast Fourier transform
FTP       File Transfer Protocol
HTML      Hypertext Markup Language
GAMS      Guide to Available Mathematical Software
HTTP      hypertext transfer protocol
HPCC      High Performance Computing and Communications
IEEE      Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers
LP        linear programming
MAA       Mathematical Association of America
MEL       Manufacturing Engineering Laboratory (NIST)
MIMD      multiple instruction / multiple data
MPI       Message Passing Interface
MPL       Message Passing Language
MPMD      multiple program/multiple data
MRI       magnetic resonance imaging
MSEL      Materials Science and Engineering Laboratory (NIST)
NASA      National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NBS       National Bureau of Standards
NCSA      National Center for Supercomputing Applications
NIH       National Instritutes of Health
NIST      National Institute of Standards and Technology
NISTIR    NIST Internal Report
NSF       National Science Foundation
ODE       ordinary differential equation
PADE      NIST Parallel Applications Development Environment
PET       positron emission tomography
PC        personal computer
PDE       partial differential equation
PVM       Parallel Virtual Machine
QP        quadratic programming
SBIR      Small Business Innovative Research
SIAM      Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
SIMD      single instruction / multiple data
SGML      Standard Generalized Markup Language
SLI       symmetric level-index (arithmetic)
SPMD      single program/multiple data
TOMS      Transactions on Mathematical Software
UV        ultraviolet
VLSI      very large-scale integration
VQ        vector quantization
WWW       World Wide Web

Generated by on Mon Aug 19 10:08:42 EDT 1996