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5.1 Bessel Functions

All of the following subsections apply to the ordinary Bessel functions ($ J$ and $ Y$) and the modified Bessel functions ($ I$ and $ K$).

5.1.1 Orders 0 and 1, Real Arguments

[Bla74], [BS92, Fortran], [Cle62], [Hil81, Fortran], [Luk69b], [Luk75], [WBR82]. Libraries: [Bak92], [Mos89], [ZJ96], IMSL, NAG, Numerical Recipes, SLATEC.

5.1.2 Integer or Half-Integer Orders, Real Arguments

This subsection includes spherical Bessel functions. [AM61], [AM78, Fortran], [BZ95, Fortran], [Col80, Fortran], [Hil81, Fortran], [MM90], [PB82], [RF93, Fortran], [SFR97, Fortran]. Libraries: [Bak92], [Mos89], [Tho97], [ULI90], [WNO94], [ZJ96], IMSL, Numerical Recipes.

5.1.3 Real Orders, Real Arguments

[ADW77a, Fortran], [Bar82b, Fortran], [Cam79, Fortran], [Cod83, Fortran], [CP66], [Luk69b], [Luk71a], [Luk71b], [Luk72a], [Luk75], [Mat93b, Fortran], [Ném92], [Pie84b, Fortran], [Tem75, Algol], [Tem76, Algol]. Libraries: [Mos89], [ULI90], [WNO94], [ZJ96], IMSL, Numerical Recipes, SLATEC.

5.1.4 Integer or Half-Integer Orders, Complex Arguments

This subsection includes Kelvin functions. [BKN88a, Fortran], [BKN88b, Fortran], [Bur63], [CM83], [dT93], [Mas83, Fortran], [Ném92]. Libraries: [Bak92], [Tho97], [ULI90], [WNO94], [ZJ96], IMSL, NAG.

5.1.5 Imaginary Orders, Real Arguments


5.1.6 Real Orders, Complex Arguments

This subsection includes Hankel functions. [Amo86, Fortran], [Cam81, Fortran], [Luk69b], [Luk75], [TB87, Fortran]. Libraries: [ZJ96], IMSL, NAG, SLATEC.

5.1.7 Complex Orders, Complex Arguments

[TB85, Fortran]. Systems: Maple, Mathematica.

5.1.8 Integrals of Bessel Functions

[Amo83a, Fortran], [And82a, Fortran], [BEJ78], [Cha83, Fortran], [Feu91, Fortran], [GP64], [Lem97, Fortran], [Mac96a, Fortran], [Ném92], [PB84, Fortran], [Pie82, Fortran], [SZ79, Fortran], [Tal83, Fortran], [Wie99, Fortran]. Libraries: [Bak92], [ZJ96], SLATEC.

5.1.9 Zeros of Bessel Functions

[Cam84, Fortran], [KRVZ98, Fortran], [Let96], [Ném92], [Pie84a], [Pie90, Fortran], [Tem79, Algol], [VRS+95, Fortran]. Libraries: [Bak92], [ZJ96].

5.1.10 Articles--Functions

[Ach86], [ADW77b], [Amo74], [Bar81a], [BGV93], [BL96], [Cam80], [CF87], [CMF77], [Cod80, includes survey], [Col87b], [CS89, includes survey], [Gau91b], [GB87], [GS78], [Hit68], [Jab94], [KS84b], [Luk72b], [Luk77b], [Mac94b], [Mat93b], [Nes84], [OS72], [Rem73], [SJ96], [TB86], [VGK+91], [Wal84], [WC90], [WFQ92], [YM97], [YN74], [Yos92], [ZB95], [ZB97], [Zha95], [Zha96a], [Zha96b].

5.1.11 Articles--Integrals

[Amo83c], [And82b], [BFST86], [BGV93], [BP96], [Cam95], [Can81], [Chr90], [Cof91], [Cor72], [DK90], [Ehr95], [Gab79], [Gab80], [GM81], [Gue94], [Han85], [IKJ95], [Joh75], [Lew91], [Lin72], [LK73], [LPM81], [LS95], [Luc95], [Lun85], [MDS92], [Moo83], [OFM78], [PB82], [PB83], [PB85, includes survey], [PDL93], [Puo88], [SBK92], [Sec99], [Sid97], [Sie77], [vVNZ94], [ZK95].

5.1.12 Articles--Zeros

[CH70a], [IKF91], [IKF+93], [KS84a], [KS84c], [KS85a], [KS85b], [KS85c], [KS87], [Let96], [Mac97], [MF86], [Seg98], [Sko85], [VGRZ97], [VRS+97], [ZGRV96].
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Thursday, Jan 11, 2001