K. Meerbergen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium and A. Spence, University of Bath, UK
Chemical engineering
The equations
for u and with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions form a 2D reaction-diffusion model where u and v represent the concentrations of two reactions. The equations are discretized with central differences with grid size hu = hv = with . For , the discretized equations can be written as . One wants to compute the rightmost eigenvalues of the Jacobi matrix , with the parameters B = 5.45, C = 2, Du = 0.004, Dv = 0.008. The parameter L varies.
Matrices in this set:
RDB1250 (real unsymmetric, 1250 by 1250, 7300 entries), L=0.5
RDB1250L (real unsymmetric, 1250 by 1250, 7300 entries), L=1.0
RDB200 (real unsymmetric, 200 by 200, 1120 entries), L=0.5
RDB200L (real unsymmetric, 200 by 200, 1120 entries), L=1.0
RDB2048 (real unsymmetric, 2048 by 2048, 12032 entries), L=0.5
RDB2048L (real unsymmetric, 2048 by 2048, 12032 entries), L=1.0
RDB3200L (real unsymmetric, 3200 by 3200, 18880 entries), L=1.0
RDB450 (real unsymmetric, 450 by 450, 2580 entries), L=0.5
RDB450L (real unsymmetric, 450 by 450, 2580 entries), L=1.0
RDB800L (real unsymmetric, 800 by 800, 4640 entries), L=1.0
RDB968 (real unsymmetric, 968 by 968, 5632 entries), L=0.5