Computer graphic rendering of 3 vases coated with colored metallic paint

Computer Graphic Rendering of Material Surfaces

Computer graphic rendering of painted samples in a light booth


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[HUNT01] Fern Y. Hunt, Egon Marx, Gary W. Meyer, Theodore V. Vorburger, Peter A. Walker, Harold B. Westlund. A First Step Towards Photorealistic Rendering of Coated Surfaces and Computer Based Standards of Appearance. Service Life Methodology and Metrology eds. J.W. Martin and D.R. Bauer. Oxford University press, 2001.

[MCKNI01] Mary E. McKnight, Egon Marx, Maria Nadal, Theodore V. Vorburger, Michael A Galler. Measurements and predictions of light scattering by clear epoxy coatings. Applied Optics, Vol. 40, No. 13, 2159-2168, May 1, 2001.

[NADALxx] Maria E. Nadal, Li Piin Sung, Fern Y. Hunt, Harold B. Westlund, Gary W. Meyer. Rendering the geometrical aspects of appearance of metallic-flake pigmented coatings from reflectance measurements. (To be submitted for publication to Applied Optics.)

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[WESTL01] Harold B. Westlund and Gary W. Meyer. Applying appearance standards to light reflection models. In Computer Graphics, Annual Conference Series. ACM SIGGRAPH, 2001.

[WESTLxx] Harold B. Westlund, Gary W. Meyer, Fern Y. Hunt. The role of rendering in the competence project in measurement science for optical reflection and scattering. (To be submitted for publication to Journal of NIST Research.)


Measurement Science for Optical Reflectance and Scattering

Mathematical and Computational Sciences Division

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