Run poly2

This run uses the same parameters as poly1, but starts with random phi and non-zero s. Equilibrium states at this temperature are phi=1.4e-4, s=0 and phi=1.0, s=0.86.

initialize set N = 128
initialize set phi0 = 6.000000e-01
initialize set phi0range = 1.000000e-03
initialize set s0 = 1.000000e-01
initialize set s0range = 1.000000e-02
initialize set theta0 = 0.300000e+00
initialize set theta0range = 0.000000e+00
initialize set rotation = 0.000000e+00
initialize random 5217061
model zero
integrate rk
set Na = 50
set Nb = 100
set W0 = 1.400000e-01
set W1 = 1.000000e+00
set chi0 = 5.882353e-04
set chi1 = 1.000000e+00
set T = 6.500000e+00
set dx = 2.000000e-01
set checkbounds = true
set Gammappfudge = .1

Each pair of pictures is phi and s at the given time.

t = 9.05
0.206 < phi < 0.9999965
0.097 < s < 0.103