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Mathematical Software Group Projects (continued)


The Guide to Available Mathematical Software is a cross-index and virtual repository of mathematical software components for use in computational science research.

Staff: R. Boisvert, B. Miller, M. McClain
With: University of Tennessee, Oak Ridge National Labs, Bell Labs, DARPA

Customers: More than 10,000 users per month, including multiple users at IBM, Texas Instruments, Hewlett-Packard, Boeing, Dupont, Lockheed, Chevron, Xerox, TRW, Slumberger, Sun, Rockwell, Eli Lilly, etc.

  • Indexes some 10,000 software modules in more than 100 packages.
  • Based on the GAMS classification system.
  • Developed HotGAMS a Java-based browser with more capable interface.
  • Magellen 4 stars, eXcite 3 stars, WebScout "Way Cool Site", JARS Top 5%.
  • More than 4 million "hits"; linked to by 4,000 external pages.

Presentation for ITL Board of Assessment, March 19, 1997