Mathematician, Applied and Computational Mathematics Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD. 1986-1987, 1989-present.
- did research in computational geometry.
- designed and implemented an efficient and robust 3-dimensional triangulation algorithm, both sequential and parallel methods developed. Parallel case using C* runs on CM-2 and CM-5.
- designed and implemented algorithm to compute topological entropy and characteristic exponent of the invariant set of a quadratic map and of the Feigenbaum map.
- designed and implemented algorithm to compute Hausdorff distance between sets using Monte Carlo methods.
- designed and implemented algorithm for Monte Carlo simulation of self intersecting random surfaces.
- wrote a Monte Carlo simulation of molecular beam epitaxy. Have implemented the case of a cubic lattice in sequential and parallel. Parallel case using node-C/CMMD runs on CM-5.