/***************************************************************************** gui.StackLayout Simple layout manager for filling a panel horizontally or vertically. bruce.miller@nist.gov Contribution of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, not subject to copyright. *****************************************************************************/ package gui; import java.awt.*; import java.util.*; /** ************************************************************************** StackLayout is a LayoutManager that arranges components in a vertical (or horizontal) strip aligning them at right, left or centered, and/or filling them to take up any extra vertical or horizontal space. Arrangement tags are provided by using the add(tag,component) form to add components to the container. The tag consists of one or more of the following, with the two forms applying to horizontal or vertical dimension.
  "Center"                : centered horizontally & vertically (the default)
  "Left"    or "Top"      : pushed at the left|top edge.
  "Right"   or "Bottom"   : pushed against the right|top edge
  "Wide"    or "Tall"     : filled to use available space.
  "Wide*#"  or "Tall*#"   : filled but weighted by the number #.
  "Fill" (or "Fill*#")    : filled in both directions.
  "Width=#" or "Height=#" : given explicit width|height
  "Flush"                 : margins are not added around this component.
By default, a component is centered in both directions. The available space along the orientation is divided between the filled components. A common idiom is to build a complicated panel out of, say, a vertical stack of horizontal stacks (both using StackLayout). In that case, it would usually be good to add the horizontal panels using the tag "Wide Flush", so that spacing comes out evenly.

Much of what can be done with GridBagLayout can be achieved by combining a set of subpanels using StackLayout, but typically more concisely. On the other hand, with StackLayout there is less compile time checking of the layout. @author Bruce R. Miller (bruce.miller@nist.gov) @author Contribution of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, @author not subject to copyright. */ public class StackLayout implements LayoutManager { /** The orientation constant for horizontal layouts. */ public static final int HORIZONTAL = 0; /** The orientation constant for vertical layouts. */ public static final int VERTICAL = 1; int orientation = HORIZONTAL; int margin = 2; Hashtable codeTable = new Hashtable(); /* Layout codes */ static final int CENTER = 0x00; static final int FRONT = 0x01; static final int BACK = 0x02; static final int FILL = 0x04; static final int ABS = 0x08; static final int FLUSH = 0x10; static final int POSMASK=0x03; static final int SIZEMASK=0x0C; /* ********************************************************************* Creators. */ /** Create a horizontal StackLayout. */ public StackLayout() {} /** Create a StackLayout with the given orientation. */ public StackLayout(int orientation) { this.orientation = orientation; } /** Create a StackLayout with the given orientation and space between components. */ public StackLayout(int orientation, int margin) { this.orientation = orientation; this.margin = margin; } /* ********************************************************************* Note any named components . */ /** Add the specified component to the layout, parsing the layout tag. */ public void addLayoutComponent(String tag, Component comp) { tag = tag.toUpperCase().trim(); int hcode=CENTER,vcode=CENTER, harg=0, varg=0; int i,l = tag.length(),n; for(i=0; i 0) l = fill*code[along+2]; break; case ABS : l = code[along+2]; break; } switch (c & POSMASK) { case CENTER : r += rubber; break; case BACK : if(prev != BACK) r += rubber; break; } prev = (c & POSMASK); switch (ca & SIZEMASK) { case FILL : d = D-2*m; break; case ABS : d = code[across+2]; break; } switch (ca & POSMASK) { case BACK : s += D-d; break; case CENTER : s += (D-d)/2; break; } Component comp = parent.getComponent(i); if (orientation == HORIZONTAL) comp.reshape(r,s,l,d); else comp.reshape(s,r,d,l); r += l + m; }} } }