Implements a BibTeX parser for LaTeXML.
LaTeXML::Pre::BibTeX serves as a low-level parser of BibTeX database files. It parses and stores a LaTeXML::Pre::BibTeX::Entry for each entry into the current STATE. BibTeX string macros are substituted into the field values, but no other processing of the data is done. See LaTeXML::Package::BibTeX.pool.ltxml for how further processing is carried out, and can be customized.
Creates a LaTeXML::Pre::BibTeX object representing a bibliography from a BibTeX database file.
Creates a LaTeXML::Pre::BibTeX object representing a bibliography from a string containing the BibTeX data.
Returns a string containing the TeX code to be digested by a LaTeXML object to process the bibliography. The string contains all @PREAMBLE data and invocations of ProcessBibTeXEntry{$key} for each bibliographic entry. The $key can be used to lookup the data from $STATE as LookupValue(’BIBITEM@’.$key). See BibTeX.pool for how the processing is carried out.
The representation of a BibTeX entry.
Returns a string naming the entry type of the entry (No aliasing is done here).
Returns the bibliographic key for the entry.
Returns a list of pairs [$name,$value] representing all fields, in the order defined, for the entry. Both the $name and $value are strings. Field names may be repeated, if they are in the bibliography.
Returns the value (or undef) associated with the the given field name. If the field was repeated in the bibliography, only the last one is returned.