§ 6.1 Numbering

Generally when titles and captions are formatted or when equations are numbered and when they are referred to in a cross reference or table of contents, text consisting of some combination of the raw title or caption text, a reference number and a type name (eg. ‘Chapter’) or symbol (eg. §) is composed and used. The exact compositions that is used at each level can depend on language, culture, the subject matter as well as both journal and individual style preferences.  has evolved to accommodate many of these styles and  attempts to follow that lead, while preserve its options (the demands of extensively hyper-linked online material sometimes seems to demand more options and flexibility than traditional print formatting).

For example, the various macros \chaptername, \partname, \refname, etc. are respected and used. Likewise, the various counters and formatters such as \theequation are supported.

’s mechanism for formatting caption tags (\fnum@figure and \fnum@table) is extended to cover more cases. If you define \fnum@type, (where type is chapter, section, subsection, etc.) it will be used to format the reference number and/or type name for instances of that type. The macro \fnum@toc@type is used when formatting numbers for tables of contents.

Alternatively, you can define a macro \format@title@type that will be used format the whole title including reference number and type as desired; it takes a single argument, the title text. The macro \format@toctitle@type is used for the formatting a (typically) short form use in tables of contents.