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Sample MIF 2.1 File

# MIF 2.1
# All units are SI.
# This file must be a valid Tcl script.

# Initialize random number generators with seed=1
RandomSeed 1

# Individual Oxs_Ext objects are loaded and initialized via
# Specify command blocks.  The following block defines the
# extents (in meters) of the volume to be modeled.  The
# prefix "Oxs_BoxAtlas" specifies the type of Oxs_Ext object
# to create, and the suffix ":WorldAtlas" is the name
# assigned to this particular instance.  Each object created
# by a Specify command must have a unique full name (here
# "Oxs_BoxAtlas:WorldAtlas").  If the suffix is not
# explicitly given, then the default ":" is automatically
# assigned.  References may be made to either the full name,
# or the shorter suffix instance name (here ":WorldAtlas")
# if the latter is unique. See the Oxs_TimeDriver block for
# some reference examples.
Specify Oxs_BoxAtlas:WorldAtlas {
  xrange {0 500e-9}
  yrange {0 250e-9}
  zrange {0 10e-9}

# The Oxs_RectangularMesh object is initialized with the
# discretization cell size (in meters).
Specify Oxs_RectangularMesh:mesh {
  cellsize {5e-9 5e-9 5e-9}
  atlas :WorldAtlas

# Magnetocrystalline anisotropy block.   The setting for
# K1 (500e3 J/m^3) implicitly creates an embedded
# Oxs_UniformScalarField object.  Oxs_RandomVectorField
# is an explicit embedded Oxs_Ext object.
Specify Oxs_UniaxialAnisotropy {
  K1  530e3
  axis { Oxs_RandomVectorField {
           min_norm 1
           max_norm 1
  } }

# Homogeneous exchange energy, in J/m.  This may be set
# from the command line with an option like
#    -parameters "A 10e-12"
# If not set from the command line, then the default value
# specified here (13e-12) is used.
Parameter A 13e-12
Specify Oxs_UniformExchange:NiFe [subst {
  A  $A

# Define a couple of constants for later use.
set PI [expr {4*atan(1.)}]
set MU0 [expr {4*$PI*1e-7}]

# The Oxs_UZeeman class is initialized with field ranges in A/m.
# The following block uses the multiplier option to allow ranges
# to be specified in mT.  Use the Tcl "subst" command to enable
# variable and command substitution inside a Specify block.
Specify Oxs_UZeeman:AppliedField [subst {
  multiplier [expr 0.001/$MU0]
  Hrange {
    {  0  0  0   10  0  0   2 }
    { 10  0  0  -10  0  0   2 }
    {  0  0  0    0 10  0   4 }
    {  1  1  1    5  5  5   0 }

# Enable demagnetization (self-magnetostatic) field
# computation.  This block takes no parameters.
Specify Oxs_Demag {}

# Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg ODE solver, with default parameter values.
Specify Oxs_RungeKuttaEvolve {}

# The following procedure is used to set the initial spin
# configuration in the Oxs_TimeDriver block.  The arguments
# x, y, and z are coordinates relative to the min and max
# range of each dimension, e.g., 0<=x<=1, where x==0
# corresponds to xmin, x==1 corresponds to xmax.
proc UpDownSpin { x y z } {
  if { $x < 0.45 } {
    return "0 1 0"
  } elseif { $x > 0.55 } {
    return "0 -1 0"
  } else {
    return "0 0 1"

Specify Oxs_TimeDriver {
 evolver Oxs_RungeKuttaEvolve
 stopping_dm_dt 0.01
 mesh :mesh
 Ms 8e5   comment {implicit Oxs_UniformScalarField object}
 m0 { Oxs_ScriptVectorField {
        script {UpDownSpin}
        norm  1
        atlas :WorldAtlas
 } }
 basename example
 comment {If you don't specify basename, then the default
          is taken from the MIF filename.}

# Default outputs
Destination hystgraph mmGraph:Hysteresis
Destination monitor   mmGraph   new
Destination archive   mmArchive

Schedule DataTable hystgraph Stage 1
Schedule DataTable monitor   Step 5
Schedule DataTable archive   Stage 1
Schedule Oxs_TimeDriver::Magnetization archive Stage 3
Schedule "Oxs_RungeKuttaEvolve::Total field" archive Stage 3
Figure 17.2: Example MIF 2.1 file. (description)

OOMMF Documentation Team
September 27, 2023