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Vector Field File Difference: avfdiff

The avfdiff program computes differences between vector field files in any of the recognized formats (OVF, VIO). The input data must lie on rectangular meshes with identical dimensions.

The avfdiff launch command is:

tclsh oommf.tcl avfdiff [standard options] [-cross] [-filesort method] \
   [-info] [-numfmt fmt] [-odt label units valexpr] \
   [-resample fileselect interp_order] file-0 file-1 [... file-n]
Compute the pointwise vector cross product of each file-k against file-0 instead of subtraction.
-filesort method
Specifies the sorting order to apply to the target file list, file-1 through file-n. The order is important when using the -odt option, because it controls the order of the rows in the output. Parameter method should be a valid option string for the Tcl command lsort, e.g., ``-ascii -decreasing''. Note that the lsort sort options all begin with a hyphen, ``-'', and that if you want to use multiple options they must be grouped as one element to -filesort (by, for example, placing quotes around the list). If this option is not specified then the order is as presented on the command line (or as produced by wildcard expansion).
Prints statistics on file differences. If this option is selected then no output files are created.
-numfmt fmt
Parameter fmt specifies a C-style output format for numeric data if -info or -odt is selected. Default value is ``%- #20.15g''.
-odt label units valexpr
Computes the file differences, but instead of writing difference files to disk this option writes OOMMF Data Table (ODT) output to stdout. The ODT output consists of eight columns. The first column is an index column identifying the target file (file-1 through file-n). The label parameter is a string specifying the label for this column, and likewise the units parameter is a string specifying the units for the column. The third parameter, valexpr, is any valid Tcl expr expression that may include the special variables $i, $f1, $f2, ..., $d1, $d2, ...; here $i is the 0-based index of the file in the target file list (file-1 is index 0, file-2 is index 1, etc.), $f1 is the first number appearing in the target filename, $f2 is the second number appearing in the target filename, $d1 is the first number appearing in the ``Desc'' fields in the header of the target file, etc. This control is analogous to the -index option to avf2odt. The next three columns are the sum of each of the vector components in the difference. The last four columns are the averaged L1 norm, the normalized L2 norm, minimum component absolute value, and maximum component absolute value of the difference; these columns correspond to those produced by the -extravals option to avf2odt.
-resample <0|n> <0|1|3>
Resample either the base file (file-0) to match the resolutions of the target files (file-1 through file-n), or resample each target file to match the resolution of the base file. Set fileselect to 0 for the former, to n for the latter. The second argument specifies the polynomial interpolation order: 0 for nearest value, 1 for trilinear interpolation, or 3 for fitting with tricubic Catmull-Rom splines. Default is no resampling.
Name of input file to subtract from other files. Must be either an OVF 1.0 file in the rectangular mesh subformat, or an VIO file. Required.
Name of first input file from which file-0 is to be subtracted. Must also be either an OVF 1.0 file in the rectangular mesh subformat, or an VIO file, and must have the same dimensions as file-0. Required.
... file-n
Optional additional files from which file-0 is to be subtracted, with the same requirements as file-1.

If neither -info nor -odt are specified, then for each target file file-1 through file-n a separate output file is generated, in the OVF 1.0 format. Each output file has a name based on the name of corresponding input file, with a -diff suffix. If a file with the same name already exists, it will be overwritten.

For output file format details, see the OVF file description.

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OOMMF Documentation Team
September 29, 2021