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Problem Specification File Formats (MIF)
Micromagnetic simulations are specified to the OOMMF solvers using the
OOMMF Micromagnetic Input Format (MIF). There
are four distinct versions of this format. The oldest format,
version 1.1, is used by the mmSolve 2D solvers
(mmSolve2D and
batchsolve) and the
mmProbEd problem editor.
The MIF 2.1 and MIF 2.2 formats are the powerful, native format used by the
Oxs 3D solvers. The MIF 1.2 format is a minor modification to
the 1.1 format, which can be used as a simple but restricted interface
to the Oxs solvers. In all cases values are specified in SI units. A
command line utility mifconvert is provided to
aid in converting MIF 1.1 files to the MIF 2.1 format. For all
versions it is recommended that MIF files be given names ending with
the .mif file extension.
OOMMF Documentation Team
September 30, 2015