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Vector Field File Format Conversion: avf2ovf

The avf2ovf program converts vector field files from any of the recognized formats (OVF, VIO) into the OVF 1.0 format.

The avf2ovf launch command is:

tclsh oommf.tcl avf2ovf [standard options] \
   [-clip xmin ymin zmin xmax ymax zmax] [-flip flipstr] \
   [-format <text|b4|b8>] [-grid <reg|irreg>] [-info] \
   infile >outfile
-clip xmin ymin zmin xmax ymax zmax
The arguments specify the vertices of a bounding clip box. Only mesh points inside the clip box are brought over into the output file.
-flip flipstr
Provides an axis coordinate transformation. Flipstr has the form A:B:C, where A, B, C is a permutation of x, y, z, with an optional minus sign on each entry. The first component A denotes the axis to which x is mapped, B where y is mapped, and C where z is mapped. The default is the identity map, x:y:z. To rotate 90o about the z-axis, use ``-flip y:-x:z'', which sends x to the + y axis, y to the -x axis, and leaves z unchanged.
-format <text|b4|b8>
Specify output data format. The default is ASCII text; b4 selects 4-byte binary, b8 selects 8-byte binary. (The OVF format has an ASCII text header in all cases.)
-grid <reg|irreg>
Specify output grid structure. The default is reg, which will output a regular (rectangular) grid if the input is recognized as a regular grid. The option ``-grid irreg'' forces irregular mesh style output.
Instead of converting the file, print to stderr information about the file, such as size, range, and descriptive text from the file header.
Name of input file to process. Must be one of the recognized formats, OVF 0.0, OVF 1.0, or VIO.
Avf2ovf writes its output to stdout. Use the redirection operator ``>'' to send the output to a file.

The -clip option is useful when one needs to do analysis on a small piece of a large simulation. The -info option is helpful here to discover the extents of the original mesh.

The -flip option can change be used to align different simulations to the same orientation. It can also be used to change a file into its mirror image; for example, ``-flip -x:y:z'' reflects the mesh through the yz-plane.

The -format text and -grid irreg options are handy for preparing files for import into non-OOMMF applications, since all non-data lines are readily identified by a leading ``#,'' and each data line is a 6-tuple consisting of the node location and vector value. Pay attention, however, to the scaling of the vector value as specified by ``# valueunit'' and ``# valuemultiplier'' header lines.

For output format details, see the OVF file description.

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OOMMF Documentation Team
October 30, 2002