In the Lattice Boltzmann method particles are allowed to move
and collide on a lattice. The rules governing the collisions are
designed such that the time-average motion of the particles is
consistent with the Navier-Stokes equations.
The visualizations were created using a variety of standard
scientific visualization techniques and software. The two-dimensional
images were created by taking a cross-section of of the
three-dimensional model and mapping fluid density to color and
In the three-dimensional images, fluids are depicted with
isosurfaces and volume visualization techniques using color,
intensity, and transparency to indicate fluid density. Fluid movement
is expressed by assembling visualizations at a series of time steps
into animations. The three-dimensional images also use isosurfaces to
delineate the structure of the medium such as the sandstone, or the
surface of the tube structure within which the fluid flow is being
Visualization helps develop a conceptual framework for
understanding complex physical processes. In particular with fluid
flow, visual comparisons with experiment are important to validate
Parallelization of lattice Boltzman Method.
Nicos S. Martys, Jack F. Douglas. Critical
Properties and Phase Separation in Lattice Boltzmann Fluid
Mixture, Physical Review E, Volume 63, 031205, February 27,
2001. |
Nicos S. Martys, John Hagedorn, Delphine
Goujon, Judith E. Devaney, Large Scale
Simulations of Single and Multi-Component Flow in Porous Media,
presented at The International Symposium on Optical Science,
Engineering, and Instrumentation, SPIE July 18-23, 1999, Denver,
Colorado, published in Proceedings of SPIE, Volume 3772. |
The Lattice Boltzmann method is useful for computing fluid flow
in complex geometries like random porous media. The images shown are
two 64x64x64 portions of Fontainebleau sandstone acquired via X-ray
microtomography. See Martys, Hagedorn, Goujon
and Devaney for details.

7.5% porosity

22% porosity
Two dimensional cross section of two component fluid flow
through porous media.
Measured and modeled permeabilities of Fontainebleau sandstone
Two animations of the Taylor-Tomitaka instability. These two
animations depict the same data from different vantage points

Oblique view

Side view
Lattice Boltzmann simulation of phase separation of a 15% - 85%
relative composition fluid mixture (an off-critical mixture) under
steady shear. The quench depth parameter is 0.287 and the reduced
shear rate is 0.56.