/* What follows is a commented example of data-types that */ /* can be used with this version of "AutoMap on the Web" */ /************************************************************/ /*~ AM_Begin */ /* the previous comment is to tell AutoMap where to start */ typedef struct { int pid; int row_src, col_src; int row_dst, col_dst; float rate; float priority; } event_struct /*~ AM */; /* this comment is to tell AutoMap to use */ /* this data-type */ struct commandline { char display[50]; int maxiter; double xmin, ymin; double xmax, ymax; int width; int height; }; typedef struct commandline cmdline /*~ AM */; /* note that the ";" is after the AutoMap tag */ /************************************************************/ struct Partstruct { int class; double d[6]; char b[7]; }; typedef struct Partstruct Part_struct /*~ AM */; /************************************************************/ typedef struct point { int x; int y; } pt_struct; struct rect { pt_struct pt1; pt_struct pt2; }; typedef struct rect rect_struct; struct cube { rect_struct rect1; rect_struct rect2; }; typedef struct cube cube_struct /*~ AM */ ; /************************************************************/ struct Treeinfo { int Depth; int Stop; int NodeType; int funct; int TypeData; int Index; int Nchildren; float Data; }; typedef struct Treeinfo TreeInfo; typedef struct tnode *Treeptr; struct tnode { TreeInfo Info; Treeptr Parent; /* pointer to node's parent */ Treeptr left; Treeptr middle; Treeptr right; Treeptr FarRight; }; typedef struct tnode Treenode /*~ AM */ ; /* This example contains pointers; MPI transfer functions */ /* won't follow the links ... AutoLink is designed to do so */ /************************************************************/ /* C book p.180 */ struct direntry { long ino; char name[15]; }; typedef struct direntry Dirent; struct directory { int fd; Dirent d; }; typedef struct directory DIR /*~ AM */ ; /************************************************************/ /*~ AM_End */ /* This is to tell AutoMap not to process any further */ /* data-type */