MCSD Co-Organizes Interdisciplinary Meeting on
Materials Science
June 2000
Geoffrey McFadden of the ITL Mathematical and Computational Sciences
Division, along with Professor Richard James of the University
of Minnesota, recently organized a successful conference entitled,
"Mathematical Aspects of Materials Science". The meeting, which took
place in Philadelphia on May 21-24, 2000, was hosted by the Society
for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, the primary
professional organization for applied mathematics in the US. It was
co-funded by the National Science Foundation and the Department of
Energy. This highly interdisciplinary meeting brought together about
270 scientists from a wide spectrum of academic, government, and
industrial laboratories in the US and abroad. Eleven primary speakers
discussed mathematical aspects of materials science applications,
including epitaxial growth, contact line dynamics in thin films,
micromagnetic modeling, anisotropic material properties, and the
microstructure of sea ice. There were also 41 minisymposia, each
including four invited talks, 22 sessions of contributed papers, and a
poster session. Seven NIST researchers from ITL and MSEL participated,
presenting or co-authoring talks on a number of
subjects, including order-disorder transitions in binary alloys,
diffuse interface models of phase transitions, and convective and
elastic effects during solidification.