ITL Mathematican Receives 1998 Presidential Early Career Award
for Scientists and Engineers
March 1999
Anthony Kearsley, a research mathematician in ITL's Mathematics and
Computational Sciences Division, received the prestigious 1998 Presidential
Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE). The presidential Award is
the highest honor bestowed by the U.S. Government to scientists and engineers
beginning their independent careers. The award recognizes Kearsley's work in the
development and use of large-scale optimization techniques for the solution of
partial differential equations arising in science and engineering. Spanning
the areas of problem formulation, algorithm design and analysis, as well as
computer software development, the impact of Kearsley's work has been quite
remarkable. His contributions have allowed advances in such diverse areas as
oil recovery, antenna design, wireless communications, climate modeling, and
high-termperature superconductors. Kearsley is the second ITL scientist to be
recognized by the PECASE since its inception by President Clinton three years