Boisvert Elected Chair of IFIP Working Group
October 2000
Ronald Boisvert, Chief of ITL's Mathematical and Computational
Sciences Division, was recently elected Chair of the International
Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Working Group 2.5 on
Numerical Software. Working Group 2.5 is part of IFIP's Technical
Committee 2 on Software: Theory and Practice. Founded in 1974, the
group seeks to improve the quality of numerical computation by
promoting the development and availability of sound numerical
software. Yearly meetings are held to exchange information, and to
work on group projects, such as white papers, workshops, and
conferences. The group is highly international, with members from
the US, Austria, Canada, Belguim, China, England, France, Germany,
Greece, Israel Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden. Members
represent academic institutions, software and hardware companies, and
government laboratories. Yearly meetings alternate between North
America and elsewhere, and include a open workshop in which local
researchers are invited to participate. The outgoing Chair is
Dr. Margaret Wright of Bell Laboratories.
Boisvert's election took place at the Working Group's meeting held at
the National Research Council, Ottawa, Canada on September 30-October
1, 2000. The meeting was followed by the Working Group's 8th Working
Conference. The theme of the invitational conference was "Software
Architectures for Scientific Computing Applications". The meeting
gathered together about 35 invited participants from industry,
government and academia to assess the state-of-the-art in this area
of emerging importance. Boisvert is co-editor of the conference
proceedings with Dr. Ping Tak Peter Tang of Intel Corporation. The
proceedings will be published in book form by Kluwer Academic Press
in early 2001.