MCSD Research on Measurement of Structures in an Immersive Visualization
Environment Featured on Cover of Biomaterials Forum
January 2007
Work on the measurement and analysis of structures through interactive
immersive visualization is featured on the cover of the Fourth Quarter 2006,
Volume 28, Issue 4, of Biomaterials Forum, the news magazine of the
Society for Biomaterials.
John Hagedorn, Adele Peskin, John Kelso, and Judith Devaney Terrill, all of
the NIST Mathematical and Computational Sciences Division, and Joy Dunkers,
of the NIST Polymers Division (pictured on the cover), describe their work
in the featured article, "Quantitative, Interactive Measurement of
Tissue Engineering Scaffold Structure in an Immersive Visualization
Environment." The team developed a software system that enables the
measurement and analysis of tissue engineering scaffold materials from
three dimensional images that were generated from X-ray micro-computed
tomography, segmented and converted to a polygonal representation. Using
this system, the researchers compared an "as designed" scaffold with a
manufactured scaffold to determine differences in strut properties.
Essential to this work is the use of an immersive visualization (virtual
reality) system that gives researchers the ability to interact directly
with data representations in ways that are not possible with desktop
systems. Structures can be inspected, and measurements can be made and
analyzed, during the immersive session. Using these measurements,
researchers can assess the fidelity of actual scaffolds to the design
model and evaluate scaffold manufacturing processes. The paper describes
future directions for more automatic measurement techniques for
three-dimensional images, and the role of immersive visualization in
understanding and evaluating these techniques.
Cover of Biomaterials Forum (Volume 28, Issue 4) showing
Immersive Visualization Environment for Quantitative, Interactive,
Material Measurement. (Image used courtesy of the Society for Biomaterials.)