An infeasible point method for solving a class
of binary programming problems.
Anthony J. Kearsley NIST/MCSD/MMG
Tuesday, February 19, 2002 15:00-16:00, Room 145, NIST North (820) Gaithersburg Tuesday, February 19, 2002 13:00-14:00, Room 4550 Boulder
In this talk we discuss a novel approach for solving a
class of interesting and challenging binary programs.
While by today's computational standards these programs
are small in terms of numbers of variables and constraints,
the developing and implementing of efficient numerical
methods for locating optimal solutions still eludes
researchers. The method suggested here is based on a
reformulation of these problems through a smooth
approximation of the objective functions and an expansion
of the number of variables that couple through the
constraints. This formulation can be solved, in turn,
using constrained optimization algorithms for
nonlinear programming problems.
Contact: A. J. KearsleyNote: Visitors from outside NIST must contact
Robin Bickel; (301) 975-3668;
at least 24 hours in advance.