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3 Packages, Libraries and Systems

This section reviews a selection of mathematical software with respect to its support for the numerical evaluation of special functions9. In some cases only a descriptive overview is given while in others cross-references by individual function are given in the subsequent sections §4 and §5. The cross-referenced packages, libraries and systems are marked with a $ \clubsuit $. We used the following criteria in assigning the $ \clubsuit $ marks:

First, a marked item must be readily accessible. Often this means it is commercial software that is purchased or leased for a fee but we also include software that is distributed, usually over computer networks, by journals and research institutions.

Second, a marked item must have a significant following in North America. (In most cases the unmarked software is used widely elsewhere.)

Third, a marked item must be reasonably comprehensive in its coverage of special functions.


Thursday, Jan 11, 2001