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java.lang.Object | +----array.Blas
This class implements the BLAS functions for operations on arrays from the array package. It follows the spirit of the "Draft Proposal for Java BLAS Interface", by Roldan Pozo of the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Because the array package supports sections, the interface is actually simpler.
The purpose of this current implementation is to serve as an example of interfaces. Therefore, only three operations are coded: dgemm, dgemv, and ddot. Please note that the operations are coded for clarity, not performance.
public static final boolean NoTransposeTranspose
public static final boolean Transpose
public Blas()
public static void dgemm(boolean transa, boolean transb, double alpha, doubleArray2D a, doubleArray2D b, double beta, doubleArray2D c) throws NonconformingArrayException
public static double ddot(doubleArray1D x, doubleArray1D y) throws NonconformingArrayException
public static void dgemv(boolean transa, double alpha, doubleArray2D a, doubleArray1D x, double beta, doubleArray1D y) throws NonconformingArrayException
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