This indicates the general linear algebraic problem for which the matrix was
originally generated. The choices are as follows. (In this discussion,
A and B denote matrices, x a vector, and z a scalar.)
Linear System ...
The solution of systems of linear equations.
Eigenvalue ...
The computation of eigenvalues and/or eigenvectors of matrices. Both
simple eigenproblems (Ax = zx) and generalized eigenproblems (e.g.,
Ax = zBx) are included.
Least Squares ...
The solution to overdetermined systems of linear equations in the least
squares sense, that is, minimize || Ax-b || over x
where ||.|| denotes the Euclidian norm.
Structure ...
Studies of the nonzero structure of sparse matrices under various
Included in each of these problems are the study of matrix factorizations
peculiar to those problems.
This indicates one of several numerical symmetry properties of the matrix.
The choices are as follows.
Symmetric ... aij = aji.
Symmetric positive definite ... see below.
Symmetric indefinite ... see below.
Hermitian ... A complex matrix for which aji is
the complex conjugate of aij. This implies a real
Skew symmetric ... aij = -aji.
This implies a zero diagonal.
Unsymmetric ... None of the above.
A matrix A is positive definite if and only if xTAx > 0
for all nonzero vectors x.
A symmetric positive definite matrix has all positive real eigenvalues.
A is negative definite if and only if -A is positive definite.
For semidefiniteness, the inequality above is relaxed to admit equality;
a semidefinite matrix has at least one zero eigenvalue. An indefinite matrix
has none of these special properties.
Only half the elements of symmetric, Hermitian and skew symmetric
matrices are present in the matrices downloaded from Matrix Market.
This is used to informally characterize the nonzero structure of the matrix.
Note that a given matrix may have more than one of these properties.
Additional properties will be added to this list as the Matrix Market collection
grows. The choices are as follows.
Dense ...
A matrix with no special nonzero structure, i.e. none of its elements are
presumed zero a priori.
Sparse ...
A matrix which contains only a few nonzero elements in each row or column.
Sparse symmetric ...
A sparse matrix with a symmetric nonzero pattern. That is,
aji is nonzero whenever aij is nonzero.
Note that this does not imply that the matrix is numerically symmetric.
Sparse unsymmetric ...
A sparse matrix with an unsymmetric nonzero pattern. That is, for some
i and j, aij is nonzero while
Banded ...
A sparse matrix in which all the nonzeros are clustered about the main
diagonal. The bandwidth is the largest |i-j| such that aSUBij
is nonzero.
Diagonal ...
A matrix of bandwidth 0, i.e., its only nonzeros lie along the main diagonal.
Tridiagonal ...
A matrix of bandwidth 1, i.e., only the elements ai,i-1,
aii, ai,i+1 can be nonzero in row i.
Block Tridiagonal ...
A matrix which can be partitioned into blocks such that the only blocks
containing nonzeros in each block row are the diagonal block, its
predecessor, and its successor. Finite difference discretizations of
2D elliptic operators typically give rise to block tridiagonal matrices in
which each of the nonzero blocks are themselves tridiagonal.
Triangular ...
A matrix is upper triangular if all elements below the diagonal are zero, i.e.
if aij=0 for all i > j.
A matrix is lower triangular if all elements above the diagonal are zero, i.e.
if aij=0 for all i < j.
Indicates the general text file storage format used to represent the matrix.
The choices are as follows.
Sparse Assembled ...
The nonzero elements are represented directly. That is, the indices and
nonzero values of individual nonzero matrix elements are provided. Such
matrices are available in both Harwell-Boeing exchange format and in
coordinate text file format.
Sparse Elemental ...
These matrices are represented as a set of small "elemental" matrices
which must be summed to get the normal, assembled form.
Finite element matrices are often represented in this form. Elemental
matrices are only available in Harwell-Boeing exchange format.
Indicates the general shape of the matrix.
The choices are as follows.
Square ...
A matrix with the same number of rows and columns.
More Rows Than Columns ...
Represents an overdetermined system of linear equations. Least squares
problems are of this type.
More Columns Than Rows ...
Represents an underdetermined linear system. Constraint matrices from
linear programming problems are typically of this type.
This allows you to indicate constraints on the size of the matrix, including
Minimum number of rows
Maximum number of rows
Minimum number of columns
Maximum number of columns
Minimum number of entries
Maximum number of entries
Minimum percentage of entries
Maximum percentage of entries
The desired bounds are indicated by typing the appropriate numbers into the
text fields displayed on the form.
Note that entries corresponds to matrix elements stored in Matrix Market
or Harwell-Boeing files. Typically this is the same as the number of nonzeros
in the matrix. However, in some cases explicit zero entries are stored in the
files; in these cases there may be more entries than nonzeros.
Applies only to generators, i.e. not to individual matrices.
Indicates the form in which the genertor supplies the matrix.
The choices are as follows.
Column major dense ...
The matrix is returned as an internal data structure based on a dense
two-dimensional array in column major order (i.e., as in Fortran).
Column major dense packed ...
The matrix is returned as an internal data structure based on a
one-dimensional array in column major order with only lower-triangular
elements stored. (Suitable for symmetric or Hermitian matrices.)
Compressed Row ...
The matrix is returned as an internal data structure based on compressed
row format.
Compressed Column ...
The matrix is returned as an internal data structure based on compressed
column format.
Matrix-vector multiply ...
The matrix is provided implicitly via a subprogram which computes the product
of the matrix and a given input vector.
The text field in the Matrix Market Search Tool specifies a pattern to search
for in the Matrix Market meta-database. This database contains, in ASCII form,
all of the words visible on the various matrix and set home pages. We suggest
that you browse through set and matrix pages to
familiarize yourself with the type of information found there.
If the pattern is matched in a matrix entry, then that matrix will be
retireved; if the pattern is matched in a set entry, then all matrices in the
set will be retrieved.
Most patterns acceptable to egrep are acceptable, with the following
all patterns are case insensitive
the single quote character (') is prohibited.
For those who are not Unix afficionados, the following synopsis covers the main
Special Characters
The following characters have special meanings in patterns:
.+*$()\{}^|\. In general, they should be avoided, except for
the few cases we give below.
Simple Patterns
A simple pattern is a string of characters that does not contain one of the
special characters given above. This pattern must be matched exactly.
Note that it can contain blanks, and that it can be only part of a word.
For example, oil pan will match both oil pan and
foil panda, but not oily pan.
Wild Cards
The period character (.) matches any single character.
Thus, p.t matches pat, pot,
put, and even computation.
A one-character pattern followed by an asterisk (*)
matches zero or more occurrences of the single character preceeding it.
Thus, be*t matches bet, beet as well as subtle.
Combining the two wildcards above yields the following pattern: .*
This matches zero or more arbitrary characters, i.e. anything. It is useful
in cases where you want to specify the beginning and end of the pattern, but
not the middle. For example, b.*t will match any string beginning
with b and ending with t, e.g., bat, boat, or even big grey
cat. As you can see, such wildcards can give unexpected results.
Here are some examples of search patterns and the matrices they retrieve.
Finds about 10 matrices related to petroleum engineering.
Finds the 3 matrices in the set named SAYLOR.
Finds the matrix named SAYLOR3.
least squares
Finds about 6 matrices related to least squares problems.