A collection of sparse matrices was begun by Curtis and Reid at Harwell in the early 1970's and was later extended by Duff into the present collection. These 36 matrices and matrix patterns come from a wide range of disciplines. A major objective of the test collection has been to represent important features of practical problems. Sparse matrix characteristics (such as average density of entries per row, pattern of the entries, symmetry, and matrix size) can differ among matrices arising from different disciplines. The test problems, though varying widely in their characteristics, have very distinctive patterns. For the symmetric matrices, we record only the entries on and below the diagonal.
Matrices in this set:
LUND A (real symmetric indefinite, 147 by 147, 1298 entries), stiffness and mass
LUND B (real symmetric indefinite, 147 by 147, 1294 entries), stiffness and mass
BP 0 (real unsymmetric, 822 by 822, 3276 entries), Simplex method basis matrix
BP 200 (real unsymmetric, 822 by 822, 3802 entries), Simplex method basis matrix
BP 400 (real unsymmetric, 822 by 822, 4028 entries), Simplex method basis matrix
BP 600 (real unsymmetric, 822 by 822, 4172 entries), Simplex method basis matrix
BP 800 (real unsymmetric, 822 by 822, 4534 entries), Simplex method basis matrix
BP 1000 (real unsymmetric, 822 by 822, 4661 entries), Simplex method basis matrix
BP 1200 (real unsymmetric, 822 by 822, 4726 entries), Simplex method basis matrix
BP 1400 (real unsymmetric, 822 by 822, 4790 entries), Simplex method basis matrix
BP 1600 (real unsymmetric, 822 by 822, 4841 entries), Simplex method basis matrix
ASH219 (pattern unsymmetric, 219 by 85, 438 entries), Survey of Holland
ASH958 (pattern unsymmetric, 958 by 292, 1916 entries), United Kingdom survey
ASH331 (pattern unsymmetric, 331 by 104, 662 entries), Scotland survey
ASH608 (pattern unsymmetric, 608 by 188, 1216 entries), England survey
ABB313 (pattern unsymmetric, 313 by 176, 1557 entries), Survey of Sudan
FS 541 1 (real unsymmetric, 541 by 541, 4285 entries), one stage of FACSIMILE stiff ordinary differential equation (ODE) package, for atmospheric pollution problem, involving chemical kinetics and two-dimensional transport
FS 541 2 (real unsymmetric, 541 by 541, 4285 entries), one stage of FACSIMILE stiff ordinary differential equation (ODE) package, for atmospheric pollution problem, involving chemical kinetics and two-dimensional transport
FS 541 3 (real unsymmetric, 541 by 541, 4285 entries), one stage of FACSIMILE stiff ordinary differential equation (ODE) package, for atmospheric pollution problem, involving chemical kinetics and two-dimensional transport
FS 541 4 (real unsymmetric, 541 by 541, 4285 entries), one stage of FACSIMILE stiff ordinary differential equation (ODE) package, for atmospheric pollution problem, involving chemical kinetics and two-dimensional transport