CHEMWEST: Chemical engineering plant models
| Art Westerberg, University of Pittsburgh
| Chemical engineering
| Summer 1983
Eleven matrices extracted from modeling of chemical engineering plants.
Nine of these matrices can be significantly reduced by block triangularization methods.
Matrices in this set:
WEST0067 (real unsymmetric, 67 by 67, 294 entries), Cavett problem with five components
WEST0132 (real unsymmetric, 132 by 132, 414 entries), Rigorous flash unit
WEST0156 (real unsymmetric, 156 by 156, 371 entries), Simple chemical plant model
WEST0167 (real unsymmetric, 167 by 167, 507 entries), Rigorous model of a chemical stage
WEST0381 (real unsymmetric, 381 by 381, 2157 entries), Multiply fed column, 24 components
WEST0479 (real unsymmetric, 479 by 479, 1910 entries), Eight stage column section, all rigorous
WEST0497 (real unsymmetric, 497 by 497, 1727 entries), Rigorous flash unit with recycling
WEST0655 (real unsymmetric, 655 by 655, 2854 entries), Sixteen stage column section, some simplified
WEST0989 (real unsymmetric, 989 by 989, 3537 entries), Seven stage column section, all rigorous
WEST1505 (real unsymmetric, 1505 by 1505, 5445 entries), Eleven stage column section, all rigorous
WEST2021 (real unsymmetric, 2021 by 2021, 7353 entries), Fifteen stage column section, all rigorous
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