BCSPWR: Power network patterns
| Collected by B. Dembart and J. Lewis, Boeing Computer Services, Seattle, WA, USA
| Power networks
| Summer 1981
Widely used as examples of networks rather than grid problems.
Not suitable for variable-band algorithms.
Matrices in this set:
BCSPWR01 (pattern symmetric indefinite, 39 by 39, 85 entries), Standard IEEE test power system -- New England
BCSPWR02 (pattern symmetric indefinite, 49 by 49, 108 entries), Small test power system -- WSCC
BCSPWR03 (pattern symmetric indefinite, 118 by 118, 297 entries), IEEE standard 118 bus test case power network
BCSPWR04 (pattern symmetric indefinite, 274 by 274, 943 entries), Equivalenced representation of US power network
BCSPWR05 (pattern symmetric indefinite, 443 by 443, 1033 entries), Equivalenced representation of western US power network
BCSPWR06 (pattern symmetric indefinite, 1454 by 1454, 3377 entries), Western US power network -- 1454 bus
BCSPWR07 (pattern symmetric indefinite, 1612 by 1612, 3718 entries), Western US power network -- 1612 bus
BCSPWR08 (pattern symmetric indefinite, 1624 by 1624, 3837 entries), Western US power network -- 1624 bus
BCSPWR09 (pattern symmetric indefinite, 1723 by 1723, 4117 entries), Western US power network -- 1723 bus
BCSPWR10 (pattern symmetric indefinite, 5300 by 5300, 13571 entries), Western US power network -- 5300 bus
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