This is a bibliography of works related to matrices distributed by the Matrix
Market. It includes all the references in the User Guides to the
Harwell Boeing Collection (Release I) and the
NEP Collection.
177 references, last updated Wed Sep 22 13:24:30 US/Eastern 2004
E. Anderson,
Z. Bai, C. Bischof, J. Demmel, J. Dongarra, J. Du Croz, A. Greenbaum,
S. Hammarling, A. McKenney, S. Ostrouchov, and D. Sorenson.
Users' Guide, 2nd Edition.
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 1995.
M. Arioli, I.S.
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Use of the p4 and p5 algorithms for in-core factorization of sparse
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Mario Arioli, Iain
Duff, and Daniel Ruiz.
Stopping criteria for iterative solvers.
SIAM Journal of Matrix Analysis and Applications, 13:138-144,
Mario Arioli,
Iain S. Duff, Daniel Ruiz, and Miloud Sadkane.
Block Lanczos techniques for accelerating the block Cimmino method.
SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing, 16:1478-1511, 1995.
B. A. Armstrong.
Near minimal matrix profiles and wavefronts for testing nodal resequencing
International Journal of Numerical Methods Engineering,
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Ashcraft and Roger Grimes.
The influence of relaxed supernode partitions on the multifrontal method.
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 15(4):291-309,
December 1989.
Cleve Ashcraft.
Compressed graphs and the minimum degree algorithm.
SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing, 16:1404-1411, 1995.
Z. Bai and G. W.
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Zhaojun Bai, David Day,
James Demmel, and Jack Dongarra.
A test matrix collection for non-Hermitian eigenvalue problems, release 1.0,
September 1996.
Michele Benzi and
Carl D. Meyer.
A direct projection method for sparse linear systems.
SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing, 16:1157-1176, 1995.
Michele Benzi and
Miroslav Tuma.
A sparse approximate inverse prteconditioner for nonsymmetric linear systems.
SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing, 19:968-994, 1998.
Michele Benzi, Carl D.
Meyer, and Miroslav Tuma.
A sparse approximate inverse preconditioner for the conjugate gradient method.
SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing, 17:1135-1149, 1996.
M. Benzi, R. Kouhia,
and M. Tuma.
An assessment of some preconditioning techniques in shell problems.
Technical Report LA-UR-97-3892, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM,
September 1997.
Ronald F.
Boisvert and Bruce R. Miller.
Enhancing the interactivity of software and data repositories with Java.
In A. Sydow, editor, Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science,
volume 4 of Proceedings of the 15th IMACS World Congress on Scientific
Computation, Modelling and Applied Mathematics, pages 767-772,
Berlin, 1997. Wissenshaft & Technik Verlag.
Ronald F.
Boisvert, Roldan Pozo, and Karin Remington.
The Matrix Market exchange formats: Initial design.
Technical Report NISTIR 5935, National Institute of Standards and Technology,
Gaithersburg, MD, USA, December 1996.
Ronald F.
Boisvert, Roldan Pozo, Karin Remington, Richard Barrett, and Jack J.
The Matrix Market: A web resource for test matrix collections.
In Ronald F. Boisvert, editor, Quality of Numerical Software, Assessment
and Enhancement, pages 125-137, London, 1997. Chapman & Hall.
Ronald F. Boisvert,
Quality of Numerical Software, Assessment and Enhancement.
Chapman & Hall, London, 1997.
J. G. L. Booten,
P. M. Meijer, H. J. J. te Riele, and H. A. van der Vorst.
Parallel Arnoldi method for the construction of a krylov subspace basis an
application in magnetohydrodynamics.
In W. Gentzsch and U. Harms, editors, Vol. II: Networking and
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Berlin, 1994. Springer-Verlag.
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l'Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble, 1981.
M. Carlsson.
Technical Report 33, Uppsala Observatory, 1985.
Ian A. Cavers.
A hybrid tridiagonalization algorithm for symmetric sparse matrices.
SIAM Journal of Matrix Analysis and Applications, 15:1363-1380,
Françoise Chaitin-Chatelin.
Is nonnormality a serious computational difficulty in practice.
In Ronald F. Boisvert, editor, Quality of Numerical Software, Assessment
and Enhancement, pages 300-314, London, 1997. Chapman & Hall.
Françoise Chatelin and S. Godet-Thobie.
Stability analysis in aeronautical industries.
In M. Durand and F. El Dabaghi, editors, Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium
on High-Performance Computing, Montpellier, France, pages 415-422.
Elsevier North-Holland, 1991.
M.-D. Choi.
Tricks or treats with the Hilbert matrix.
American Mathematical Monthly, 90:301-312, 1983.
Edmond Chow and Yousef
Experimental study of ILU preconditioners for indefinite matrices.
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 86:387-414,
Edmond Chow and Yousef
Approximate inverse preconditioners via sparse-sparse iterations.
SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing, 19:995-1023, 1998.
S. I. Chu.
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above-threshold dissociation: complex scaling fourier-grid Hamiltonian
Journal of Computational Physics, 94(2):7901-7909, 1991.
B. A. Cipra.
An introduction to the Ising model.
American Mathematical Monthly, 94:937-959, 1987.
P.A. Clement.
A class of triple-diagonal matrices for test purposes.
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A.K. Cline and R.K.
A set of counter-examples to three condition number estimators.
SIAM Journal of Scientific and Statistical Computing,
4:602-611, 1983.
A. K. Cline, G. H.
Golub, and G. W. Platzman.
Calculations of normal modes of oceans using a Lanczos method.
In J. R. Bunch and D. J. Rose, editors, Sparse Matrix
Computations, pages 409-426. Academic Press, London and New York,
John M. Conroy,
Steven G. Kratzer, Robert F. Lucas, and Aaron E. Naiman.
Data-parallel sparse LU factorization.
SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing, 19:584-604, 1998.
M. Creutz.
Quarks, Gluons, and Lattices.
Cambridge University Press, 1986.
J. Cullum
and R. A. Willoughby.
A practical procedure for computing eigenvalues of large sparse nonsymmetric
In J. Cullum and R. A. Willoughby, editors, Large Scale Eigenvalue
Problems, Amsterdam, 1986. Elsevier Science Pub., North-Holland.
J. Cullum,
W. Kerner, and R. Willoughby.
A generalized nonsymmetric Lanczos procedure.
Computer Physics Communications, 53:19-48, 1989.
Timothy A. Davis and
Iain S. Duff.
An unsymmetric pattern multifrontal method for sparse LU factorization.
SIAM Journal of Matrix Analysis and Applications, 18:140-158,
Michel J. Dayde,
Jean-Yves L'Excellent, and Nicholas I.M. Gould.
Element-by-element preconditioners for large partially seperable optimization
SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing, 18:1767-1787, 1997.
P. B. Dixon, B. R.
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North Holland, Amsterdam, 1982.
H. Dong,
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Vectorial integrated difference analysis of dielectric waveguides, 1993.
F. W. Dorr.
An example of ill-conditioning in the numerical solution of singular
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Mathematics of Computation, 25:271-283, 1971.
I. S. Duff and J. K.
A comparison of sparsity orderings for obtaining a pivotal sequence in
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Journal of the Institute for Mathematics and Applications,
14:281-291, 1974.
I.S. Duff and J. K.
Performance evaluation of codes for sparse matrix problems.
In L. D. Fosdick, editor, Performance Evaluation of Numerical
Software, pages 121-135. North Holland, Amsterdam, New York and
London, 1979.
I.S. Duff and J.K.
The design of MA48: A code for the direct solution of sparse unsymmetric
linear systems of equations.
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 22:187-226, 1996.
I.S. Duff and J.K.
Exploiting zeros on the diagonal in the direct solution of indefinite sparse
symmetric linear systems.
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 22:227-257, 1996.
I. S. Duff and J. A.
Computing selected eigenvalues of sparse unsymmetric matrices using subspace
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 19:137-159, 1993.
Iain S. Duff and
J. A. Scott.
The design of a new frontal code for solving sparse, unsymmetric systems.
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 22(1):30-45, March
I. S. Duff, A. M.
Erisman, and J. K. Reid.
Direct Methods for Sparse Matrices.
Oxford University Press, 1986.
I. S. Duff, R. G.
Grimes, and J. G. Lewis.
Sparse matrix test problems.
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 15(1):1-14, March
I.S. Duff, N.I.M. Gould,
J.K. Reid, and K. Turner.
The factorization of sparse symmetric indefinite matrices.
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 11:181-204, 1991.
Iain Duff, Roger G.
Grimes, and John G. Lewis.
Users' guide for the Harwell-Boeing sparse matrix collection (Release I).
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P. J. Eberlein.
A note on the matrices denoted by bn.
SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics, 20:87-92, 1971.
A. Edelman
and E. Kostlan.
The road from Kac's matrix to Kac's random polynomials.
In John G. Lewis, editor, Proceedings of the Fifth SIAM Conference on
Applied Linear Algebra, pages 503-507. SIAM, Philadelphia, 1994.
Stanley C.
Eisenstat and Joseph W.H. Liu.
Exploiting structural symmetry in unsymmetric sparse symbolic factorization.
SIAM Journal of Matrix Analysis and Applications, 13:202-211,
Stanley C.
Eisenstat and Joseph W. H. Liu.
Exploiting structural symmetry in a sparse partial pivoting code.
SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing, 14:253-257, 1993.
H. C. Elman and
R. L Streit.
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In J. P. Hennart, editor, Numerical Analysis Proceedings, Gauuajsato,
Mexico, volume 1230 of Lecture Notes in Mathematics,
Berlin, 1984. Springer-Verlag.
I. Emiris.
Sparse Elimination and Applications in Kinematics.
PhD thesis, Computer Science Division, University of California at Berkeley,
A. M. Erisman,
R. G. Grimes, J. G. Lewis, and W. G. Poole Jr.
A structurally stable modification of Hellerman- Rarick's P^4 algorithm for
reordering unsymmetric sparse matrices.
SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis, 22:369-385, 1985.
A. M. Erisman,
R. G. Grimes, J. G. Lewis, W. G. Poole Jr., and H. D. Simon.
Evaluation of orderings for unsymmetric sparse matrices.
SIAM Journal of Scientific and Statistical Computing,
8:600-624, 1987.
G. C. Everstine.
A comparison of three resequencing algorithms for the reduction of matrix
profile and wavefront.
International Journal of Numerical Methods Engineering,
14:837-853, 1979.
W. Feller.
An introduction to probability theory and its applications.
John Wiley, New York, 1961.
F. A.
Fernandez and Y. Lu.
Variational finite element analysis of dielectric waveguides with non spurious
Electron. Letter., 26(25):2125-2126, 1990.
W. L. Frank.
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Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics,
6:378-392, 1958.
Roland W.
Freund and Noel M. Nachtigal.
An inplementation of the QMR method based on coupled two-term recurrences.
SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing, 15:313-337, 1994.
B. Friedman.
Eigenvalues of composite matrices.
Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc., 57:37-49, 1961.
A. Galick,
T. Kerhoven, and U. Ravaioli.
Iterative solution of the eigenvalue problem for a dielectric waveguide.
IEEE Trans. Micro. Theory Tech., 40:699-705, 1992.
T. J. Garratt.
The numerical detection of Hopf bifurcations in large systems arising
in fluid mechanics.
PhD thesis, University of Bath, UK, 1991.
C. W. Gear.
A simple set of test matrices for eigenvalue programs.
Mathematics of Computation, 23:119-125, 1969.
S. Gedney
and U.D. Navsariwala, 1996.
personal communication.
A. George and
J. W. H. Liu.
Computer Solution of Large Sparse Positive-Definite Systems.
Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1981.
John R. Gilbert,
Esmong G. Ng, and Barry W. Peyton.
An efficient algorithm to compute row and column counts for sparse cholesky
SIAM Journal of Matrix Analysis and Applications, 15:1075-1091,
S. Godet-Thobie.
Eigenvalues of large highly nonnormal matrices.
PhD thesis, Paris IX Dauphine University, France, 1992.
Also CERFACS thesis report TH/PA/93/06.
G.H. Golub and
J.H. Wilkinson.
Ill-conditioned eigensystems and the computation of the jordan canonical form.
SIAM Review, 18:578-619, 1976.
Nicholas I.M. Gould
and Jennifer A. Scott.
Sparse approximate-inverse preconditioners using norm-minimization techniques.
SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing, 19:605-625, 1998.
J. Grcar.
Operator coefficient methods for linear equations.
Report SAND89-8691, Sandia National Laboratory, November 1989.
R. G. Grimes, J. G.
Lewis, and H. D. Simon.
Experiences in solving large eigenvalue problems on the CRAY X-MP.
Technical Report ETA-TR-40, ETA Division of Boeing Computer Services,
Seattle, WA, 1986.
Roger G. Grimes,
John G. Lewis, and Horst D. Simon.
A shifted block Lanczos algorithm for solving sparse symmetric eigenproblems.
SIAM Journal of Matrix Analysis and Applications, 15:228-272,
B. D. Hassard,
N. Kazarinoff, and Y. H. Wan.
Theory and Applications of Hopf Bifurcation.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1981.
R. F.
Heinemann and A. B. Poore.
Multiplicity, stability, and oscillatory dynamics of a tubular reactor.
Chem. Eng. Sci., 36:1411-1419, 1981.
Nicholas J.
Higham and Desmond J. Higham.
Gaussian elimination with pivoting.
SIAM Journal of Matrix Analysis and Applications, 10:155-164,
Nicholas J. Higham.
A survey of condition number estimation for triangular matrices.
SIAM Review, 29:575-596, 1987.
Nicholas J. Higham.
Algorithm 694: A collection of test matrices in MATLAB.
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 17(3):289-305,
September 1991.
Nicholas J. Higham.
The Test Matrix Toolbox for Matlab (version 3.0).
Numerical Analysis Report No. 276, Manchester Centre for Computational
Mathematics, Manchester, England, September 1995.
( PostScript)
Nicholas J. Higham.
Accuracy and Stability of Numerical Algorithms.
SIAM, Philadelphia, 1996.
P. J. Holmes, editor.
Waves in distributed chemical systems: experiments and
computations, Philadelphia, 1980. SIAM.
Proceedings of the Asilomar Conference Ground, Pacific Grove, California,
P. S. Jensen and
W. A. Loden.
Supplementary study on the sensitivity of optimized structures.
Technical Report LMSC-D777859, Lockheed Palo Alto Research Laboratory,
Z. Jia.
Some numerical methods for large unsymmetric eigenproblems.
PhD thesis, The faculty of Mathematics, University of Bielefeld, Germany,
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J. Jin.
The finite element method in electromagnetics.
John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1993.
W. Kahan.
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B. Kaufman.
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W. Kerner.
Large-scale complex eigenvalue problems.
Journal of Computational Physics, 85(1):1-85, 1989.
D. E. Knuth.
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Journal of Computational Physics, 118:320-328, 1995.
P. Lauchli.
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R. B. Lehoucq.
Analysis and Implementation of an Implicitly Restarted Arnoldi
PhD thesis, Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Rice
University, Houston, Texas, May 1995.
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J. G. Lewis and
R. G. Grimes.
Practical Lanczos algorithms for solving structural engineering eigenvalue
In I. S. Duff, editor, Sparse Matrices and Their Uses, pages
349-355. Academic Press, New York and London, 1981.
J. G. Lewis and
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In Neves Erisman and Dwarakanath, editors, Unknown, pages
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J. G. Lewis and
H. D. Simon.
Numerical experience with the spectral transformation Lanczos method.
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J. G. Lewis and
H. D. Simon.
The impact of hardware Gather/Scatter on sparse Gaussian elimination.
Technical Report ETA TR-33, ETA Division of Boeing Computer Services,
Seattle, WA, 1986.
John G. Lewis,
Barry W. Peyton, and Alex Pothen.
A fast algorithm for reordering sparse matrices for parallel factorization.
SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing, 10:1146-1173, 1989.
J. G. Lewis.
Algorithms for sparse matrix eigenvalue problems.
Technical Report CS-77-595, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 1977.
J. G. Lewis.
Implementation of the Gibbs-Poole-Stockmeyer and Gibbs-King algorithms.
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 8(2):180-189 and
190-194, 1982.
J. G. Lewis.
Numerical experiments with SPARSPAK.
SIGNUM Newsletter, 18(3):12-22, 1983.
Association for Computing Machinery.
J. W. H. Liu.
An adaptive out-of-core Cholesky factorization scheme.
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J. W. H. Liu.
Modification of the minimum degree algorithm by multiple elimination.
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 11(2):141-153,
J. W. H. Liu.
On the storage requirement in the out-of-core multifrontal method for sparse
Technical Report CS-85-02, Department of Computer Science at York University,
Ontario, Canada, 1985.
Joseph W. H. Liu.
A compact row storage scheme for Cholesky factors using elimination trees.
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 12(2):127-148, June
Joseph W. H. Liu.
On threshold pivoting in the multifrontal method for sparse indefinite systems.
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 13(3):250-261,
September 1987.
Joseph W. H. Liu.
A partial pivoting strategy for sparse symmetric matrix.
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 13(2):173-182, June
Joseph W. H. Liu.
A graph partitioning algorithm by node separators.
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 15(3):198-219,
September 1989.
Joseph W. H. Liu.
The multifrontal method and paging in sparse Cholesky factorization.
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 15(4):310-325,
December 1989.
Joseph W.H. Liu.
The minimum degree ordering with constraints.
SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing, 10:1136-1145, 1989.
Joseph W. H. Liu.
A generalized envelope method for sparse factorization by rows.
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 17(1):112-129, March
M. Lotkin.
A set of test matrices.
Mathematical Tables and Other Aids to Computation, 9:153-161,
Szu-Min Lu and Jesse L.
Multifrontal computation with the orthogonal factors of sparse matrices.
SIAM Journal of Matrix Analysis and Applications, 17:658-679,
A. Mahajan, E. H.
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D. Manocha and
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Mathematics of Computation, 34:473-497, 1980.
M. Marcus and
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