REM============ REM MAKELF.BAT => e.g. C:\stopwatch\src\makelf REM============ REM=============================================================================== REM..Batch File tested ESSENTIAL LAHEY FORTRAN COMPILER 2.00c REM..running under MS-Windows NT3.51 REM..13/01/97 REM..Provided by Neil Campbell, University of Nottingham REM=============================================================================== REM=============================================================================== REM..Change the PATH environment variable (if necessary) REM=============================================================================== REM..Alter the PATH environment variable setting to pick up the STOPWATCH, ( and also the ELF compiler directory, if this is not already REM..included in the path). This can be done by editing the path at the command REM..prompt, or by selecting SYSTEM from the NT Control Panel. PATH=%PATH%;C:\stopwatch\src REM=============================================================================== REM..Compile the main STOPWATCH files REM=============================================================================== copy cpusec.nil.f90 cpusec.f90 elf90 -c stopwatch.f90 elf90 -c cpusec.f90 REM..for cpusec only an object file (CPUSEC.OBJ) is created. REM..for stopwatch, 2 files STOPWAT0.MOD and STOPWAT0.LIB are created REM..(presumably to comply with 8.3 file names on DOS platforms), REM..the identifier corresponds to the MODULE name not the source file id. REM=============================================================================== REM..Compile and Link the Test Programs REM.. REM..Note that the 'library' files specified by the -lib switch are actually REM..object module libary files automatically generated by the compiler. REM=============================================================================== elf90 -c simple.f90 elf90 simple.obj cpusec.obj -exe simple -lib stopwat0 elf90 -c advanced.f90 elf90 advanced.obj cpusec.obj -exe advanced -lib stopwat0 elf90 -c overhead.f90 elf90 overhead.obj cpusec.obj -exe overhead -lib stopwat0 elf90 -c testsw.f90 elf90 testsw.obj cpusec.obj -exe testsw -lib stopwat0 elf90 -c errors.f90 elf90 errors.obj cpusec.obj -exe errors -lib stopwat0 elf90 -c crash.f90 elf90 crash.obj cpusec.obj -exe crash -lib stopwat0