I am a National Research Council postdoc at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in the Applied and Computational Mathematics Division, and am a mathematical biologist focusing on cryobiology, the study of life at low temperatures.  Cryobiology presents a natural setting for mathematical problems involving heat and mass transfer in biological systems, often coupled to external environments. My contributions involve parameter identification, model formulation, and optimization of these models.

My current research is on the analytic and numeric optimal control of the heat and mass transfer problems intrinsic to cryobiology.


“In mathematical biology you don’t just want to be cleaning up after the parade.”

    -Hans Othmer

Contact Info:

100 Bureau Dr. Stop 8910

Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8910, USA

Phone: 301-975-4793

Email: james.benson@nist.gov

Here is my Curriculum Vitae.

James D. Benson, Ph. D.

Here is a list of Publications with some summaries or pre/re-prints

Here is my Research Statement.

Here is my Teaching Statement.